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Organic Compounds (molecules that contain Carbon) AKA Carbon Macromolecules Chapter 2-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Compounds (molecules that contain Carbon) AKA Carbon Macromolecules Chapter 2-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Compounds (molecules that contain Carbon) AKA Carbon Macromolecules
Chapter 2-3

2 I. Organic Compounds A. Are considered the chemical compounds of living things because of their association with organisms and because they all contain the atom carbon B. Four major categories found in all living things: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

3 II. Carbon is very versatile because it can:
Bond with many elements such as; Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Nitrogen. Bond with other carbon atoms to form chains and rings. Form large complex structures.

4 II. Vocabulary many One Mono=_____________ Poly=______________
Monomer= ________________ Polymer= _______________________________ One many Building Block Larger molecule made of monomers

5 Monomers come together
to make polymers

6 Simple(single) sugars come together to make more complex sugars

7 Monomers Polymer Organic Compound

8 Monomer (Fatty acid and Glycerol ) Polymer - Lipid

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