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Evaluating Websites via Google Advanced Search

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Websites via Google Advanced Search"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Websites via Google Advanced Search
& CHS Databases -World History

2 How to do a Google Advanced Search
Click, Settings Choose Advanced Search

3 Advanced Google Search
View search options Directions how to: Find pages that are similar to, or link to, a URL Search pages you’ve visited Use operators in the search box Customize your search settings

4 Who? Who wrote the source? Where are the author’s credentials?
Is the author’s bio provided? If not, can I find it? (ex., link or About us)

5 What? What is the purpose? Is this a primary or secondary source?
Is the content thorough? Are sources/facts documented? Is the information accurate? Do links lead to quality pages?

6 When? When was it created? When was it last updated?
What if I don’t broken links get fixed/updated?

7 Where? Where is the “about us?” Is sponsorship reputable?
Do others link to the site? Do they endorse the site?

8 Why? Why should I use this information?
Why is this site/page better than another? Why should I verify the information on other sites?

9 Let’s Review Annotated Bibliography
1. Who is the author/editor/organization of this work? The author or creator of this work is… 2. What piece of THIS work helps with your research? This piece of work is helpful to my research because… BE SPECIFIC TO HOW THIS HELPS WITH YOUR TOPIC 3. How does THIS piece of work answer your essential questions/research questions This work answers my essential questions by… ***You want to tell someone why THIS piece of work supports your claim statement***

10 CHS Databases for World History
Reference Books Gale Virtual Reference Library For People: Biography in Context Biography Reference Bank Biography Reference Center Reference Books, Academic Journals, Primary Sources & More: World History in Context World History SweetSearch Google Advanced Search Ctr+f=Find key words *See a librarian for passwords to use from home!

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