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Defining Social Problem

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Presentation on theme: "Defining Social Problem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Social Problem
Ovais INU Defining Social Problem

2 What is a Social Problem?
C. Wright Mills distinguished between personal troubles and public issues Public issues have an impact on large numbers of people and are matters of public debate Personal troubles are things that affect individuals and their immediate surroundings

3 What Is a Social Problem?
There is no absolute definition of what constitutes a social problem. Social problems are defined by a combination of objective and subjective criteria that vary across societies, among individuals and groups within a society, and across historical time periods.

4 What is a Social Problem?
A social problem is a social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society and in need of remedy. A social problem exists: when an influential group defines a social condition as threatening its values when a condition affects a large number of people and when the condition can be remedied by collective action

5 Objective and Subjective Elements of Social Problems
All social problems share two elements: An objective social condition A subjective interpretation of that social condition.

6 Objective Elements of Social Problems
Awareness of social conditions through life experiences and through reports in the media. We see the homeless, hear gunfire in the streets, and see battered women in hospital emergency rooms. We read about employees losing their jobs as businesses downsize and factories close.

7 Subjective Elements of Social Problems
The belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society or to a segment of society and that it should and can be changed. We know crime, drug addiction, poverty, racism, violence, and pollution exist. These are not considered social problems unless a segment of society believes these conditions diminish the quality of human life.

8 Question I believe that underage drinking is an important social problem in our society. Strongly agree Agree somewhat Unsure Disagree somewhat Strongly disagree

9 The End

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