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Ch.16 Science and religion

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1 Ch.16 Science and religion

2 What were the characteristics of the early modern period?

3 Early Modern period Christianity achieved global presence for the 1st time. Permanent tension between religion and science in the W world Scientific Revol.; science became part of global modernity Christ.& science connected distant peoples Main actors: the Europ.

4 Where was Christ. located by 1500?
How was Christianity inside Europe?

5 a) Christianity Mainly in Europe
Outside Europe: small Christ. communities in Egypt, Ethiopia, S India & Central Asia. Division of Christ.: Catholicism & Orthodoxy Christ. threatened by Islam 1300: lost of the Holy Land 1453: fall of Constantinople 1529: Ottoman Empire siege of Vienna

6 What were the causes of Protestant Reformation?
How did it start?

7 Protestant Reformation
Causes Corruption of Church; the wealth of the Church. Immoral life of clergy & their lack of education Sale of indulgences

8 Baroque Churches


10 Prot. Reformation Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Cathedral of Wittemberg Salvation: through faith alone, not good works Questioned the role of clerical hierarchy Ultimate authority: the Bible( not the Church) Larger role to indiv. conscience.

11 What was the consequence/effect of the Protestant Reformation
What was the consequence/effect of the Protestant Reformation? Who adhere to it? Why?

12 The effects of the Protestant Reform.
Massive Schism within the Catholic Church. 1) Some monarchs adhered to Lutheranism to be indep. from the papacy. 2) Middle class: new legitimacy 3)commoners: a way to protest against the social order d) 1520s: Peasant revolts e) Later conseq: the 30yrs. war

13 The effects of Protestant Reform.
f) Women attracted to Protestantism, but not greater role in Church or society. Mary & other female saints’ veneration ended Closed convents Quakers: the only ones who gave women an official role in their churches.

14 How did the Reformation spread
How did the Reformation spread? What other Protestant branches were formed?

15 Reformation' spread Printing press( J. Gutemberg)
New Testament –was translated in German Other Protestant branches Calvinism: predestination Anglicanism: England( Henry VIII): salvation=same as Catholic Church. Zwinglianism: Zwingli, Switzerland

16 What religious conflicts Europe faced?

17 Catholic Counter-Reformation
Council of Trent: ; its decisions Corrected the abuses & corruption that the Catholic Church was accused of. Priests had to have more yrs. of education & more supervision. Practice of indulgences: not sold anymore, but given in exchange of prayers, pilgrimages. Renew spirituality & piety. New religious orders whose role was to renew & expand the Catholic Church( E.g. Society of Jesuits)

18 What was the long-term conseq. of Reformation
What was the long-term conseq. of Reformation? (toward authority, traditions?)

19 French Wars of Religion 1562-1598
Catholic vs. Huguenots 24th of Aug “ The Night of St. Bartholomew” –massacre of thousands of Huguenots 1598: Edict of Nantes: Henry IV granted relig. toleration to Protestants.

20 What was the cause of the 30 yrs. war? What was the consequence?

21 30 Years War ( ) Catholic –Protestants fights in the Holy Catholic Empire 15-30 % of German popul. was killed 1648: Peace of Westphalia-each state is sovereign & has the right to choose its own religion.

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