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Presented by: 1) Samar Magdy Mahmud 2) Sandy Haitham Roman

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1 Presented by: 1) Samar Magdy Mahmud 2) Sandy Haitham Roman

2 Sterilization What is Sterilization? Who needs to sterilize?
Some Products Requiring Sterility

3 What is sterilization? Definitions:
Sterilization: Process of killing or removing microorganisms from a product to insure that it is sterile

4 Medical Device Manufacturers
Who needs to sterilize? Medical Device Manufacturers Hospitals, Dentists, other health care facilities Some specialty food product manufacturers

5 Some Products Requiring Sterility
Medical Devices surgical gloves clean room garments syringes surgical tools

6 sterilization Chemical GAS LIQUID Radiation GAMMA RAYS X-RAY’S ULTRAVIOLET Heat STEAM DRY

7 Heat Sterilization Advantages:
It is the simplest, most effective and inexpensive method. There are 2 procedures depending on the tolerance of the material used: Steam sterilization (Autoclaving) Dry heat sterilization

8 Steam Sterilization Advantages: good penetration
maintains integrity of liquids (e.g. Lubricants) due to the 100% humidity within the chamber. Disadvantages: Non stainless steel metal items corrode may damage plastic and rubber items sharp instruments get dulled

9 Dry-Heat Sterilization
Involves heating at atmospheric pressure and often use a fan to obtain uniform temperature by circulation. Heat at 180º for half hour , 170º for 1 hr., or 160º C for 2 hrs. Times are the periods during which object is maintained at the respective temp.

10 Disadvantages: Less reliable than autoclaving
Large temp difference may arise within device. sharp instruments get dulled Many materials do nottolerate dry heat

11 Chemical Sterilization
The chemical compounds used can be: a) Gas Sterilization : The gas used in this procedure is ethylene oxide. b) Liquid Sterilization: Can be performed with buffered glutaric aldehyde.

12 Radiation Sterilization
Provides effective way of sterilization when used in high doses

13 Disadvantages: Posses threat to humans (radiation) Lengthy process
Requires very qualified personnel


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