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An Introduction to T Levels & Industry Placements 27th March 2019

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to T Levels & Industry Placements 27th March 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to T Levels & Industry Placements 27th March 2019

2 Hello to T levels (Dept. for Education)

3 Introduction Andy Crossland CEO: Humber Learning Consortium Humber LEP Employment & Skills Board Chair: LEP Employability Skills & CEIAG Working Group March 2019

4 Skills Context Sainsbury Review (2016) major change in technical education parity of esteem with the academic route simplification of post-GCSE routes for learners qualification and awarding body rationalisation employer involvement in curriculum & placements Ageing workforce in Humber’s priority sectors Humber employment rate is 62% (national: 61.5%) Hull is 51.1% Skills are a Humber LEP priority, e.g. Apprenticeships Employability skills Careers education, information, advice, and guidance Humber LEP skills pledge (received national award)

5 Screen shot Humber LEP Skills Pledge Website

6 Pledge Card

7 T Levels: Key Points Victoria Lightfoot Smaller Employer Engagement Manager - North Education & Skills Funding Agency March 2019

8 How T Levels fit with other post-16 choices
In future, young people will be able to make a clear choice after GCSE -whether to pursue an academic or technical/vocational path Academic Technical A Levels Subject-based qualifications delivered over 2 years by school sixth-form, sixth-form colleges and FE colleges (100% classroom based) T Levels Classroom-based course delivered over 2 years by an FE provider (80% in college and around 20% on the job) Apprenticeships Work-based training for a minimum of 12 months (80% on the job and 20% off the job with an FE provider) Purpose: To prepare students for higher education We are currently undertaking a review of other post-GCSE qualifications and will only retain those of high quality and with a distinct purpose. Purpose: To prepare students for entry into skilled employment (including higher level apprenticeships), either immediately or after higher levels of technical education. Both T Levels and apprenticeships are based on the same occupational standards, developed by employers working with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 8

9 Rollout of T Levels from 2020 onwards
Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care Business and Administrative Catering and Hospitality Construction Creative and Design Agriculture, Land Management and Production Building Services Engineering Human Resources Catering Craft and Design Design, Surveying and Planning Cultural Heritage and Visitor Attractions Management and Administration Animal Care and Management Onsite Construction Media, Broadcast and Production Digital Education and Childcare Engineering and Manufacturing Hair and Beauty Health and Science Legal, Finance and Accounting Digital Business Services Education Design, Development and Control Hair, Beauty and Aesthetics Health Accountancy Digital Production, Design and Development Healthcare Science Financial Maintenance, Installation and Repair Legal Science Manufacturing and Process Digital Support and Services T Levels for 2020 delivery T Levels for 2021 delivery T Levels for delivery in 2022 or 2023 tbc

10 Provider Perspective Danny Brett Assistant Principal: Bishop Burton College Humber LEP Employment & Skills Board Chair: Humber LEP Skills Network

11 Industry Placements

12 Introducing Industry Placements
For students on relevant vocational courses Chance to put into practice the knowledge and technical skills learnt in the classroom Structured and assessed work for students to achieve Last a minimum of 45 working days, organised flexibly Working closely with learning provider to organise placement Industry placements will be an essential part of T Levels New 2-year post-GCSE courses rolling out from September 2020 and equivalent to 3 A Levels Course content developed in collaboration with employers to meet the needs of industry and to prepare students for work Part of government’s reforms of technical education aiming to boost productivity and give young people the skills your business needs

13 Benefits of Industry Placements
Gain extra resources for day-to-day projects Bring in imaginative and new ideas Build the capacity of your business and develop the skills you need Develop a cost-effective recruitment pipeline of talent for entry-level jobs Benefits of Industry Placements Give your staff the opportunity to upskill in coaching and mentoring Provide a positive experience for a local young person Attract motivated young people to your business Build a more diverse and creative workforce 13

14 Industry Placements are flexible
Industry Placements can be configured as: A single block of 45 days, i.e. 9 weeks A day per week (day release) An initial induction block + day release A long term project over 2 years (several blocks) A combination of these

15 Industry Placements – employer journey
1 Identify placement – decide where in business the placement will be, role for the student and who will line manage 2 Partner with provider – through supported matching process identify local learning provider to work with on developing and delivering placement 3 Role description – working with provider agree full role description, learning objectives, structure of placement and selection criteria for student 4 Pre-placement checks – complete 3-way agreement with provider and student plus relevant health and safety, public liability, non-disclosure agreement etc 5 Preparation and induction – share joining information, dress code etc then full induction including site tour, health and safety brief etc 6 Placement – monitor progress, ensure regular contact with provider and student, complete student appraisal at end of placement

16 Pledge Card

17 T Levels Humber  Password: LEP19

18 To find out more… Complete a pledge form in your pack
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19 Q&A

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