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Entrepreneur Enterprise Intrapreneur

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneur Enterprise Intrapreneur"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneur Enterprise Intrapreneur
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur Enterprise Intrapreneur

2 Entrepreneur Concept Entrepreneur is a rare, peculiar person who utilizes factors of production and gets profit as rewards.

3 Factors of Production. Rewards Land. Rent Labor. Wages Capital
Factors of Production Rewards Land Rent Labor Wages Capital Interest Entrepreneur Profit Excluding profit all the rewards are certain.

4 According to adam Smit Entrepreneurs are coordinator of factors of production According to Schumpeter Entrepreneur is an innovator (Developing something unique) According to McClelland Entrepreneur posses need for achievement. Entrepreneurship is the psychological factor of a person.

5 Intrapreneur An entrepreneur who works for an existing organization. He/she explore/innovates unique program and develop it.

6 Conclusion Entrepreneurs are risk minimizer/ distributor/ transfer Entrepreneurs fight with risk All the people who takes risk are not entrepreneur Entrepreneur takes calculated risk. Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new assuming risk and reward.

7 Entrepreneurial competencies
Initiative See and act on opportunity Information seeking Persistence Concern of high quality of work Commitment for work

8 Efficiency orientation
Problem solving Self-confidence Assertiveness persuasion Use of influence strategy

9 Entrepreneurial competencies can be developed through the different training. It is the combination of knowledge, skills and attitude.

10 What are the difference between Entrepreneur and Manager?

11 Happiness If you want to happiness for an hour, take nap
If you want to happiness for a day, go on picnic If you want to happiness for a week, go vacation If you want to happiness for a month, get married If you want to happiness for a year, inherit wealth If you want to happiness for life-time, learn to love what you do.

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