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Have an interactive website with your students By Ellen Dill

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Presentation on theme: "Have an interactive website with your students By Ellen Dill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have an interactive website with your students By Ellen Dill
Wikispace Have an interactive website with your students By Ellen Dill

2 What is a Wiki? A wiki is a website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor. Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.

3 What are Wikis for? Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites, to power community projects, and, increasingly, in educational settings Wikipedia - the free online encyclopedia - is the most famous example.

4 Advantages of a Wiki Any number of people can create and edit pages.
Wiki administrators lock pages that are not to be changed by users. A history is kept of each version of each page, along with who made the version, and when it was made.

5 Wikispaces Free basic public wiki
Free protected wiki for K-12 Private wiki for a fee Corporate wiki with custom design for larger fee

6 Wikispaces homepage

7 Sign Up

8 K-12

9 Complete App

10 Create a wiki

11 New Wiki

12 Invite Members

13 Students Request Membership

14 Membership List Create username and password, or
Set username guidelines in computer lab for class members, or Allow students to request membership and keep a key

15 Create pages

16 Add links

17 Links Added

18 Add Ext Image

19 Image Added

20 Embed youtube

21 Youtube Embedding

22 Youtube Embedded

23 Choose automatic or manual navigation menu
By default, the easiest way to manage your navigation menu is to use the automatic navigation. It will simply list your pages alphabetically. If you want to organize your pages in some other fashion, you will need to change to a manual navigation menu.

24 Automatic

25 Manual

26 Home page after manual

27 Decide on an organization
Think about your page and how you want it organized. Your home page is the trunk of your tree. Other pages branch off of that page, and can branch out further, as you like. It is better to add and delete in this fashion than to have one continuous list of attached pages, which has little organization.

28 Upload student projects (ppt, doc, pdf)

29 Project Uploaded

30 Locking Pages Go to “Manage Wiki” Click on “Pages”
Select pages to lock and check the box to the left of each Click the “Lock” button at the top Now your selected pages are locked

31 Locking Pages

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