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Bellwork Directions: 1) Copy the sentence. 2) Correct the errors in the sentence. 3) Underline the words or phrases that provide clues to the meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Directions: 1) Copy the sentence. 2) Correct the errors in the sentence. 3) Underline the words or phrases that provide clues to the meaning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Directions: 1) Copy the sentence. 2) Correct the errors in the sentence. 3) Underline the words or phrases that provide clues to the meaning of the word in bold. 4) Come up with a definition for the word in bold. While some people chose rabbit’s feet or four leaf clovers as talismans my cousin’s prefer to use there dirty socks.

2 Unit 3: Age of Reason In the end
Annotate all the rhetorical devices and strategies used in a speech Use these same devices and strategies in your speech Ace the test

3 KWL On a sheet of a paper, create 3 columns and label them accordingly. Then, fill in the first 2 columns with what you KNOW about the Age of Reason and what you WANT TO KNOW about the Age of Reason. Know Want to Know Learned

4 Age of Reason: Quick and Dirty
Events French and Indian War  Britain needed $$ attempted to collect taxes from colonies Boston Massacre declared independence stage was set for war Literature politics public newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, and speeches independence Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Ben Franklin

5 More Terms Repetition Restatement Parallelism Rhetorical Question
Hypophora Concession to Counterargument Rebuttal of Counterargument Appeal to friendly Appeal to hostile Ethos Pathos Logos Motif Allusion Call to action

6 Think-Pair-Share What would you be willing to die for?

7 Patrick Henry’s Speech
Round 1: Listen and then react Round 2: Read and annotate

8 Touchstone Get a sheet of paper and number 1-25. Scaled score
50-60 = 70 60-70 = 80 70-80 = 90 80-90 = 100 = 105 When done, work on annotating Henry speech.

9 You Should Find appeal to hostile allusion x 2 anaphora x 5
hypophora x 2 motif x 2 parallelism repetition x 2 rebuttal of counterargument asyndeton antithesis

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