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The First American Settlers

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1 The First American Settlers

2 Why the expedition was made
Search for new land and wealth English wanted to colonize Virginia To seek a water route to the Orient

3 Not the first in the land
Roanoke people 1584 exploration Lived with natives for a few years 1590- John White returned to colony and found that everyone was gone Many different ideas as to what happened, but no documents are found to tell of what truly happened

4 The Arrival to Jamestown
Arrived in 1607 Jamestown, Virginia was the first successful settlement 101 people survived the trip overseas and landed in America Hoped for many riches in the new land


6 The Arrival continued Led by John Smith Built a triangular
fort, which found to be bad land

7 Meeting the Natives Paotin Indians were hospitable to the strangers
Introduced them to many new foods and resources Pocahontas was a real person daughter of chief Said to have saved John Smith’s life

8 What was found No gold, although was the hope Natives way of life
Hunting and gathering

9 Conflicts of the New Land
Too many people, not enough resources More landed shortly after Only grew tobacco Although a great export, took too much land, not enough for food. Bad labor Focused too much on exports, not enough on wellness for the people Bad land Soil unable to be farmed Misquitos, diseases Many colonists not immune to the new world illnesses, caused many deaths

10 Conflicts cont. Pocahontas kidnapped by Englishmen
Natives began to dislike colonists Cut them off from their resources Wanted them to leave Without help of the natives, colonists had nothing. They soon were forced to eat resourceful animals, pets, and supposedly corpses By 1610 only about 60 people survived of the 505 who all came overseas.

11 Pocahontas and John Smith
Daughter of chief in the native tribe Story of her saving John Smiths life Kidnapped by colonists, soon converted by them and married Englishman, John Rolfe Name changed to Rebekah John Smith One of the main leaders of the expedition Saved by Pocahontas from being killed by her people

12 Works cited

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