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Instructor: Aaron Roth

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1 Instructor: Aaron Roth
CIS 262 Automata, Computability, and Complexity Spring Instructor: Aaron Roth Lecture: April 1, 2019

2 Recap: Problems about Turing Machines
Recognizable-but-undecidable -- Membership: Given M and w, does M accept w ? -- Halting: Given M and w, does M halt on w ? -- Non-emptiness: Given M, is there input w that M accepts ? Unrecognizable -- Non-membership: Given M and w, does M not accept w ? -- Emptiness: Given M, is L(M) empty ? -- Equivalence: Given M and M’, do they accept exactly same inputs ? Bottomline: Questions regarding the semantics of a TM, i.e., about its executions and inputs it accepts, are undecidable

3 What does it mean for real programs ?
Checking whether a program is correct or is buggy is undecidable Such a verifier is greatly desirable for ensuring software reliability, but does not exist !! yes/proof Program Verifier Correctness specification no/bug

4 More Undecidable Problems ?
Questions about what a TM/program computes are undecidable What other computational problems are undecidable ? Emptiness problem for Linear Bounded Automata Post Correspondence Problem Hilbert’s 10th Problem: Finding integer roots of a polynomial To prove undecidability of a problem, we need to reduce a known undecidable problem such as ATM to it, but now reduction proof is non-trivial

5 Restricted Turing Machines ?
Two models at two ends of computing power: 1. Finite automata (DFA): Number of states independent of input Can check for only regular patterns in input Analysis questions (e.g. equivalence of DFAs) are solvable 2. Turing machines: Unlimited number of tape cells Models general purpose computation Analysis questions (e.g. does M accept w) are undecidable Natural question: Is there a restriction of TM model that a. computation power greater than regular languages b. analysis questions (at least some) are decidable

6 Linear Bounded Automata
a b b a b b a _ q0 Like a TM, but if input w consists of k symbols, then uses only first k cells of tape One way to enforce this restriction: on blank, TM must move left Can still go back-and-forth on first k cells, using them as memory

7 What can an LBA compute ? a b b a b b a _
q0 PALINDROMES = { w | w is a palindrome } TM we designed is an LBA PRIMES = { 0p | p is a prime number } All regular languages can be accepted by LBA But not a general purpose model of computation: LBA can use only O(n) memory, where n is length of input

8 Membership Problem for LBAs
a b b a b b a _ q ALBA = { <M,w> | M is an LBA and M accepts w } Does an LBA accept a given input ? On an input w with k symbols, how many possible distinct configurations? A configuration given by tape content, state of M, and position of head So if |w|=k, then at most |Q| . k . |G|k distinct configurations Note: a standard TM on a given input w has infinitely many distinct configurations, since number of tape cells it uses is unbounded

9 Membership Problem for LBAs
ALBA = { <M,w> | M is an LBA and M accepts w } Does an LBA accept a given input ? Decidable ! If M accepts w, then it must accept within |Q| . |w| . |w||G| steps (otherwise some configuration repeats, and M loops forever)

10 Emptiness/Non-emptiness Problem for LBAs
NELBA = { <M> | M is an LBA and L(M) is non-empty } Does a given LBA accept some input ? Recognizable (since LBA is just a special kind of TM) Is it decidable ? Can we find a bound K depending on, say, number of states of M, such that if M accepts some input, then it must accept input of length <= K No ! Undecidability proof by reduction from membership problem for TMs

11 Encoding TM Execution as a string
Consider TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) Configuration C = u q v such that u, v are strings over G and q in Q C is a string of the form G* . Q . G* Finite execution of M on an input w encoded as a string over G U Q U {#} # C0 # C1 # C2 # … # Ck # where C0 = q0 w, and each configuration Ci+1 = Next(Ci), obtained by executing one step of M Such a string encodes accepting execution if state in Ck equals qa u1 u2 u3 …….. uk v1 v2 v3 …….. vm _ _ _ _ q

12 Checking if a string encodes a TM execution
Consider TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) and input w to M Consider the following problem: Given a string x over G U Q U {#}, does it encode accepting execution of M on w ? that is, is it of the form # C0 # C1 # C2 # … # Ck # where each block between #’s is a configuration of M such that 1. C0 equals q0 w 2. each Ci+1 = Next( Ci ), and 3. Ck is accepting configuration

13 Checking if a string encodes a TM execution
a/R b/a, L x = # q0 a b a a # c q1 b a a # q3 c a a a # … q1 q3 a/c, R TM M q0 Input w = a b a a Claim: { x | x encodes the accepting execution of M on w } is decidable, and in fact, can be decided by an LBA No additional memory needed Suffices to go back and forth on x checking all requirements

14 Undecidability of NELBA
ATM = { <M, w> | M is a TM and M accepts w } NELBA = { <M> | M is a LBA and L(M) is non-empty } Given TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) and input w to M, construct an LBA M’ with input alphabet G U Q U {#} such that M’ accepts a string x exactly when x encodes the accepting execution of M on w Thus, <M’> is in NELBA if and only if <M,w> is in ATM ATM reduces to NELBA NELBA is undecidable

15 Post Correspondence Problem (PCP)
Input: List of pairs of strings Consider two strings Left and Right, Initially both empty In each round, pick a pair, extend Left by first string in pair and Right by second string Goal: Make Left and Right to be equal (at least one round must be played) Question: Is there a way to achieve the goal ? Pick pair 2 Left = abaaa Right = ab Pick pair 1 = abaaaa = abaaa Pick pair 1 = abaaaaa = abaaaaaa Pick pair 3 = abaaaaaab = abaaaaaab Pair No. Left Right 1 a aaa 2 abaaa ab 3 b

16 Another PCP Example Pair No. Left Right 1 ab aba 2 baa aa 3 (e, e) 1 2
(abab, abaaba) (abbaa, abaaa) (ababa, ababaa) 3 1 2 Convince yourself that it is impossible to achieve Left = Right

17 Post Correspondence Problem (PCP)
Input: List of pairs of strings (ui , vi), for i = 1, 2, ..k Is there a (non-empty) sequence of integers i1,i2, … , in such that ui1 ui2 … uin = vi1 vi2 … vin Examples: Input = { (a, aaa), (abaaa, ab), (ab, b) } Answer: Yes, desired sequence is 2, 1, 1, 3 Input = { (ab, aba), (baa, aa), (aba, baa) } Answer: No Question: Can we write a computer program to solve PCP ?

18 Recognizability of PCP
Pair No. Left Right 1 ab aba 2 baa aa 3 (e, e) 1 2 3 (ab, aba) (baa, aa) (aba, baa) 3 1 2 (abab, abaaba) (abbaa, abaaa) (ababa, ababaa) 3 1 2 A TM/program can explore all possible solutions in a systematic way, basically exploring all paths in the tree such as above If the answer is YES, this search is guaranteed to find it Conclusion: PCP is recognizable !

19 PCP is Undecidable ! Input: List of pairs of strings (ui , vi), for i = 1, 2, ..k Is there a (non-empty) sequence of integers i1,i2, … , in such that ui1 ui2 … uin = vi1 vi2 … vin Problem seems simple, and intuition says that if there is no solution, a program should be able to detect it But intuition is wrong in this case ! The problem is equivalent to the halting problem ! To simplify proof, consider a slight variant of PCP, where we require i1 = 1 (that is, solution sequence must pick first pair in first round) Proof by reducing membership problem for TMs to this modified PCP

20 Reduction from Membership Problem for TM
Consider TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) Configuration C = u q v such that u, v are strings over G and q in Q C is a string of the form G* . Q . G* Accepting execution of M on input w encoded as a string over G U Q U{#} # C0 # C1 # C2 # … # Ck # where C0 = q0 w, and each configuration Ci+1 = Next(Ci), obtained by executing one step of M, and state in Ck equals qa Goal: Construct a list of pairs as input to PCP such that Left and Right can be made equal if and only if there is an accepting execution of M on w

21 Reduction from Membership Problem for TM
Consider TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) and input string w for M First pair for PCP: ( #, # q0 w # ) In the modified version, solution must start with first pair So initially, Left = # and Right = # q0 w # Intuitively, Left and Right both encode sequences of configurations of M capturing the execution of M on w But Left is one configuration behind Right

22 Reduction from Membership Problem for TM
TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) and input string w for M First pair: ( #, # q0 w # ) As Left and Right get extended, they look like: Left = # C0 # C1 # … # Cn # Right = # C0 # C1 # … # Cn # Cn+1 # Pairs for PCP input are chosen so that the only way to continue is to extend Left by Cn+1 and Right by the configuration Cn+2 obtained by executing one step of the TM in the configuration Cn+1

23 Sample Extension: Right Move
Suppose Left and Right look like Left = # … # Right = # … # a b a a q3 a b # For example, suppose G = { a, b } and d(q3, a) = (q5, b, R) PCP list contains following pairs: (a, a), (b, b), (q3 a , b q5 ) In our solution, only way to extend the sequences leads to: Left = # … # a b a a q3 a b # Right = # … # a b a a q3 a b # a b a a b q5 b #

24 Sample Extension: Left Move
Suppose Left and Right look like and d(q5, b) = (q2, b, L) Left = # … # Right = # … # a b a a b q5 b # PCP list contains: (b q5 b , q2 b b ), besides (a, a) and (b, b) In our solution, only way to extend the sequences leads to: Left = # … # a b a a b q5 b # Right = # … # a b a a b q5 b # a b a a q2 b b # Intuition: A successor of a configuration “u q v” looks pretty much the same, except for the symbols just before and right after q which change according to the transitions of the TM

25 Encoding Acceptance Left and Right look like Left = # C0 # C1 # … # Cn # Right = # C0 # C1 # … # Cn # Cn+1 # All pairs so far make sure Left has smaller length than Right When can Left “catch up” with Right ? When the state in the configuration equals the accepting state qa Add pairs : (a qa , qa) and (qa a , qa) for every tape symbol a

26 Encoding Acceptance Suppose Left and Right look like Left = # … # Right = # … # a b qa b # We have pairs : (a qa , qa), (qa a , qa), (b qa , qa), (qa b , qa) Above can be extended to Left = # … # a b qa b # Right = # … # a b qa b # a b qa # And finally to Left = # … # a b qa b # a b qa # a qa # Right = # … # a b qa b # a b qa # a qa # qa # Add also the pair (qa # #, # ) to ensure final match

27 Reduction from Membership Problem for TM
Given TM M = (Q, q0, qa, qr, G, S, _, d ) and input string w for M Consider following input to PCP First pair: ( #, # q0 w # ) /* sets up initial configuration */ For each a in G, (a, a ) /* Allows copying of tape cells */ For each q in Q and a in G, if d(q, a) = (q’, b, R) then (q a, b q’) /* simulates right move */ if d(q, a) = (q’, b, L) then for each c in G, (c q a, q’ c b) /* simulates left move */ For each a in G, (#, _ #) /* allows expanding tape */ For each a in G, (a qa , qa) and (qa a , qa) /* allows Left to catch up */ (qa ##, #) /* allows Left to finally match */ PCP has a solution (starting with first pair) if and only if M accepts w ATM reduces to PCP, and PCP is undecidable

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