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Ms Kingsly told us to be prepared to start early, to work hard, and to stay late until the yearbook goes to press.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Kingsly told us to be prepared to start early, to work hard, and to stay late until the yearbook goes to press."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms Kingsly told us to be prepared to start early, to work hard, and to stay late until the yearbook goes to press.

2 Ms Kingsly told us to be prepared to start early, to work hard, and to stay late until the yearbook goes to press.

3 Caitlin likes singing, dancing, and to play the guitar.

4 Caitlin likes singing, dancing, and playing the guitar.

5 REVISE Laila looked at the clock, shook her head, and was telling herself to move faster. I expected that my parents would look at my report card and tell me to work harder. I also expected a lecture on better use of after-school time. My friend tells me how to organize my life, behave in public, and to keep smiling when I’m discouraged. Howell will come to the meeting and start telling everybody to vote for him. Jade’s two dogs play and keep chewing the rug.

6 Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved.

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