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Articles of The Confederation

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1 Articles of The Confederation
Strengths and Weaknesses


3 What is it? First written constitution or plan of government of the United States of America

4 Strengths Weakness The power to declare war and make peace.
What does a country need in order to fight a war? Weakness There was no national army or navy. It did not have the power to tax

5 Strengths Weakness To coin and borrow money
Each state could issue its own paper money The national government could not force the states to obey its laws.

6 Strengths Weakness To detail with foreign countries and sign treaties.
Why would it be important for a government to be able to make treaties? Weakness Each state could put tariffs on trade between states. (A tariff is a tax on goods coming in from another state or country.) Congress lacked strong and steady leadership

7 Strengths Weakness To operate post offices
There was no system of national courts It did not have the power to enforce laws

8 Strengths 1 To declare war and make peace. 2 To coin and borrow money
3 To detail with foreign countries and sign treaties 4 To operate post offices

9 Weaknesses 1 The national government could not force the states to obey its laws. 2 It did not have the power to tax 3 It did not have the power to enforce laws 4 Congress lacked strong and steady leadership 5 There was no national army or navy 6 There was no system of national courts 7 Each state could issue its own paper money 8 Each state could put tariffs on trade between states. (A tariff is a tax on goods coming in from another state or country.)

10 Strengths Declare War Create Post office Borrow Money Strengths
Make Treties Create Post office

11 Weaknesses Weakness Can not enforce Law States controlled trade
Can not raise taxes Cant force states to obey law Week leadership No national military No national courts States could print money States controlled trade

12 Why did the American people Create such a weak plan of government?
Americans had just fought a war to over throw and oppressive government and didn’t want to replace it with another one.

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