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2.1 Describing Matter Properties used to describe matter can be classified as ____________________ or ______________________.

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1 2.1 Describing Matter Properties used to describe matter can be classified as ____________________ or ______________________.

2 2.1 Describing Matter Extensive Properties The ___________ of an object is a measure of the _________ of matter the object contains. The _______________ of an object is a measure of the ______________ occupied by the object. An ________________ property is a property that _____________ on the ________________ of matter in a sample.

3 2.1 Describing Matter Intensive Properties An ________________ property is a property that depends on the ___________ of matter in a sample, not the ______________ of matter. The _______________ of a bowling ball is an example of an ________________ property. This bowling ball and candlepin are used in a game played mainly in New England

4 Identifying Substances
2.1 Identifying Substances Matter that has a uniform and definite composition is called a ___________________. These kettles are mainly _______________ which is an example of a substance. The copper kettles are about 150 years old.

5 Identifying Substances
2.1 Identifying Substances This sculpture of a falcon is made of ________________ which is an example of a substance. This gold falcon standard from Egypt is about 3000 years old. Analyzing Data Which of the properties listed in Table 2.1 could not be used to distinguish copper from gold?

6 Identifying Substances
2.1 Identifying Substances Every sample of a given substance has identical _________________ properties because every sample has the same ___________________. This gold falcon standard from Egypt is about 3000 years old. Analyzing Data Which of the properties listed in Table 2.1 could not be used to distinguish copper from gold?

7 Identifying Substances
2.1 Identifying Substances A ________________ property is a quality or condition of a substance that can be observed or measured without _______________ the substance’s ____________________. ________________ ________________ are examples of physical properties.

8 Identifying Substances
2.1 Identifying Substances

9 Three states of matter are” _____________________
2.1 States of Matter Three states of matter are” _____________________

10 2.1 States of Matter Solids A _________________ is a form of matter that has a ________________ _______________ and ________________. The arrangement of particles is different in solids, liquids, and gases. In a solid, the particles are packed closely together in a rigid arrangement.

11 2.1 States of Matter Liquid A _______________ is a form of matter that has an _____________ _________________, flows, yet has a _____________ volume. The arrangement of particles is different in solids, liquids, and gases. In a liquid, the particles are close together, but they are free to flow past one another.

12 2.1 States of Matter Gases A ______________ is a form of matter that takes both the _______________ and _______________ of its container. The arrangement of particles is different in solids, liquids, and gases. In a gas, the particles are relatively far apart and can move freely. Relating Cause and Effect Use the arrangements of their particles to explain the general shape and volume of solids and gases.

13 2.1 States of Matter ____________ describes the gaseous state of a substance that is generally a _______________ or ________________ at _________________ temperature, as in water vapor.

14 2.1 Physical Changes During a _______________ change, some properties of a material change, but the __________________ of the material does not change. As gallium melts in a person’s hand, the shape of the sample changes, but the composition of the material does not change. The silvery substance in the photograph is gallium, which has a melting point of 30°C. Inferring What can you infer about the temperature of the hand holding the gallium?

15 2.1 Physical Changes Physical changes can be classified as _____________ or _________________. All physical changes that involve a change from one state to another are reversible. Cutting hair, filing nails, and cracking an egg are examples of irreversible physical changes.

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