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TCAP Review: Properties of Matter

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Presentation on theme: "TCAP Review: Properties of Matter"— Presentation transcript:

1 TCAP Review: Properties of Matter

2 What word describes the “compactness” of an object?

3 In the picture, what are the most basic circles called?
Molecules Protons Compounds Atoms

4 Can the temperature of LIQUID water exceed 100oC? Explain.

5 What phase change is represented below?
Liquid Solid

6 What happens to the energy of the particles during this phase change?
Solid Liquid

7 What happens to the density of the substances during this phase change?
Solid Liquid

8 The picture below shows liquid gold “freezing” into solid gold
The picture below shows liquid gold “freezing” into solid gold. Is this a physical or chemical change? Explain.

9 Physical or Chemical Change
Physical or Chemical Change? Give two pieces of evidence to support your answer.

10 Physical or Chemical Change? Explain.

11 Physical or Chemical Change? Explain.

12 Physical or Chemical Change?

13 Physical or Chemical Change?

14 Which of the following is an example of water going through a chemical change?
Water splitting into hydrogen and oxygen gas Water changing to salt water Water evaporating Water freezing

15 What tool is used to measure mass?
Spring Scale Triple-beam balance Graduated Cylinder Thermometer

16 Which has more mass? More density? More volume?

17 According to the picture below, what is the measured mass?

18 Volume is a physical property. Which tool measures volume?
Spring Scale Triple-beam balance Graduated Cylinder Thermometer

19 What is the volume of the liquid in the graduated cylinder?

20 What is the volume of the rock?

21 Does the rock or water have more density? How do you know?

22 Which liquid layer has the smallest density?

23 Which is denser, the green or yellow layer? Explain.

24 Calculate Density Mass = 400g Volume = 100 cubic centimeters

25 Calculate Volume Bob has measured the sides of a box. It has the following dimensions: Height = 4cm Length = 2cm Width = 2cm

26 Calculate Density A box on a triple-beam balance measures 48g.
The box has the following dimensions: 4cm x 3cm x 2cm

27 Put the following substances in order as they would appear in a density column.
Corn Syrup- 1.3g/ml Engine Oil g/ml Mountain Dew- 1.1g/ml Rubbing Alcohol g/ml

28 Calculate Density (D=m/v)
Blair places an object on a triple beam balance. It reads 45g. Blair uses water displacement and the water changes from 20mL to 25mL What is the density of the object?

29 Will the object below float in water that has a density of 1.0g/mL?
Mass: 100g Volume: 25mL

30 Which phase has definite volume but not shape?

31 Calculate Density (D=m/v)
Mass = 15g Volume = 3mL

32 Calculate Density (D=m/v)
Mass = 55g Volume = 5mL

33 Calculate Volume (V=M/D)
Density = 3g/mL Mass = 12g

34 Calculate Mass (M=D*V)
Density = 3g/mL Volume= 10mL

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