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Language and Literature

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1 Language and Literature
Ms. Levy Language and Literature

2 Warm up Directions On the warm up sheet make sure to write your name, the date, and class period. Pick up a book of your choice from the shelf and read it for 5 minutes (I will set a timer). After the timer goes off: write the name of the book you chose and which pages you read (Pages 1-5). According to what you have read so far: What and/or who is your story about? Be specific and write your answer in complete sentences under the Monday spot on your warm up.

3 Objective & Homework Objective: I can be an open-minded inquirer by
Homework: “Learning the terms” Vocabulary flashcards Due Friday September 2nd

4 Agenda Warm up, Objective & Homework Pass out interactive books
What makes you brave? Learn the terms Background info Exit ticket

5 Passing out the books One person from each table group will grab enough interactive textbooks for everyone in their group. Each person needs to write their name along the top pages of the textbook (next to the numbers) and on the inside cover. Please write your name so it can be read easily.

6 What makes you brave? Page 3

7 Learning the terms Page 4
Conflict- a struggle different forces. Setting- the time and place of the action. Plot- what happens in a story. Character- a person or animal who takes part in the action of a story, play, or other literary work. Theme- the message, moral, or lesson of the story. Exposition- introduces the setting and characters. Rising action- shows how the conflict unfolds and becomes more complicated. Climax- the most exciting moment and the turning point. Falling action- reveals how the main character begins to resolve the conflict. Resolution- ties up loose ends.

8 Learning the terms advanced
Foreshadowing- a writer’s use of hints or clues to suggest events that will occur later in a story. Suspense- the excitement or tension that readers feel as they wait to find out how a story ends or a conflict is resolved.

9 “Rikki-tikki-tavi” Background Page 5
The setting of this story is India during the late 1800s. At the time the British ruled India. British families lived in airy one story houses called Bungalows.

10 “Rikki-tikki-tavi” Background Mongoose Versus Cobra

11 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Background: Mongoose Versus Cobra

12 Exit ticket On one piece of paper each person in your table group will write down one act of bravery that can be done in school. Make sure that each person writes their name next to their example. Examples: Billy is afraid of the dark, but he decides to try the haunted house with his friends. Sarah is afraid of heights, but went rock climbing!

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