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Divergent Quote Significance Review

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1 Divergent Quote Significance Review
How do I need to answer questions in the exam about Divergent? Identify: Who said the quote? What action was happening? Significance: How is the chosen quote meaningful to the text and action? Think: theme, major events and elements of fiction

2 "’I think we've made a mistake,’ he says softly
"’I think we've made a mistake,’ he says softly.  ‘We've all started to put down the virtues of the other factions in the process of bolstering our own.  I don't want to do that.  I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest’” (405).

3 “ I stare at my eyes in the mirror. I want to, so I will” (170).

4 “My mother and father would not approve of my kicking someone when she’s down. I don’t care... Like a child. I kick again, this time hitting her in the face. Blood springs from her nose and spreads over her face. Look at her… I pull my foot back again , but Four’s hands clamp around my arms, and he pulls me away from her… I really wish I could say I felt guilty for what I did. I don’t” ( ).

5 “Al’s eyes have shadows beneath them, and his face is swollen from crying. Pain stabs my stomach when I see him. I can’t move. The scent of lemongrass and sage, once pleasant, turns sour in my nose” (299).

6 “Fear prickles inside me, in my chest and in my head and in my hands
“Fear prickles inside me, in my chest and in my head and in my hands. I feel like the word “DIVERGENT” is branded on my forehead” (164).

7 “ I see muscles that I couldn’t see before in my arms, legs and stomach… Dauntless initiation has stolen whatever softness my body had. Is that good or bad?” ( ).

8 “ I am proud. It will get me in trouble someday, but today it makes me brave. I walk toward the ledge and hear snickers behind me” (57).

9 “Will I let her fall to her death, or will I resign myself to being factionless? What's worse: to be idle while someone dies, or to be exiled and empty-handed?” (80).

10 Divergent Quote Significance Review
“’Think about it,’ he says,…’you don’t get to pick again.’ A new place, a new name. I can be remade here” (60).

11 “If my entire life is like this, loud laughter and action and the kind of exhaustion you feel after a hard but satisfying day, I will be content… I realize now that all I have to do is get through initiation, and that life will be mine” (156).

12 “… it is easy to forget about Al and Molly’s revenge and Peter’s suspicious calm, and easy to pretend that what seperates us as friends does not exist. But lingering in my mind is the fact that Christina and Will are my competitors… I just hope I don’t have to betray them in the process” (200).

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