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tempor = time Words temporal – relating to time

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Presentation on theme: "tempor = time Words temporal – relating to time"— Presentation transcript:

1 tempor = time Words temporal – relating to time
contemporary – of same time, modern in style pro tem – for the time being extemporaneous – done unrehearsed

2 ten, tent = hold Words tenable – able to be defended
tenacious – tightly held, persistent retentive – having a good memory obstinate – stubborn abstain – to choose not to do something

3 tors, tort = twist Words torsion – shape caused by twisting
tortuous – twisting and winding, devious distort – alter shape extort – obtain something by force or coercion

4 tract = drag, pull Words intractable – stubborn, difficult to manipulate distract – pull one’s attention away traction – the application of a pulling force subtract – to take away something from a larger unit

5 vac = empty Words vacuum – space empty of matter
vacuous – lacking ideas or intelligence, idle, having no substance vacate – to empty something of occupants vacant – unoccupied, lacking expression

6 veni, vent, ven = come Words convene – come together for meeting
intervene – come between venue – place where an event is held advent – arrival of something important coming

7 ver = true Words veracious - truthful
verify – to prove something is true verity – truth or reality verdict – decision or opinion (“say truth”) aver – to allege, to assert

8 viv, vit = alive Words vivacious - full of life
vivisection – operating on living animals vitality - liveliness revive – to bring back to live, to flourish again vivid – lively, graphic, bright

9 voc, vocat = call Words vocation – someone’s job (calling)
provocation – calling or arousing anger of evoke – to call to mind a memory or feeling advocate – to speak (call) in favor of something

10 volv, volut = roll Words revolve – roll around
evolve – roll out, develop convoluted – tightly twisted, a coiled state voluble – talking a great deal (easily turned around)

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