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Abstract Expressionism

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1 Abstract Expressionism
Art I Spring 2015


3 A Quick Review… Color Split-Complementary Colors Color Triads
Base color + two colors adjacent to its complement Color Triads Colors evenly spaced around the color wheel One color to dominate and the other two to accent Analogous Colors next to each other on the color wheel One color to dominate, second color to support, and the third to accent

4 Abstract Expressionism…What is it?
Art movement in the early 1940s (NYC) Artworks were of monumental scale and reflected inner psyche Valued spontaneity and improvisation Emphasis on dynamic, energetic gesture Evolution of movement a reaction to WWII Abstract Expressionist work brought the art world’s attention to the United States. Much of these works were sent on traveling exhibitions Expressionism was the European predecessor to Abstract Expressionism in the early 1900s Similar in emotional content and importance of color

5 Wassily Kandinsky: Expressionist – Russia
First non-objective painter: work did not reflect anything in the natural world Conveys feelings with color, line, and space Reacted to music and emotions Mark Rothko: Abstract Expressionist – USA Known for his color field paintings Believed color could express basic human emotions Color became the primary conveyor of meaning in his works which focus on fundamental elements

6 “Yellow-Red-Blue” Wassily Kandinsky 1925

7 “Improvisation 10” Wassily Kandinsky 1910

8 “Painting with Green Center”
Wassily Kandinsky 1913

9 “Dark Freshness” Wassily Kandinsky 1927

10 “No. 10” Mark Rothko 1950

11 “Barra Violeta” Mark Rothko 1957

12 “No. 14” Mark Rothko 1960










22 Requirements Painta dynamic abstract painting through color and shape. Work to create unity in your painting. Pay attention to… Shapes, colors, patterns, textures, symmetry, and movement Use graded washes and glazing techniques

23 Rubric O – Objectives (50 pts) N – Neatness/Creativity (25 pts)
Student will successfully create a watercolor painting using glazing and graded wash watercolor techniques Student will understand the importance of art historical movements such as Abstract Expressionism and employ this knowledge in their own artwork Student will employ the use of the elements and principals of art to create a watercolor painting N – Neatness/Creativity (25 pts) Work is carefully constructed Student pays attention to detail Student shows mastery of technical skills E – Effort/Growth (25 pts) Student brings a positive attitude and willingness to work to the classroom Student has excellent focus and takes responsibility for own learning Student used class time wisely Student shows individual improvement in quality of artwork

24 Sources theory/color-harmonies.htm d_abex.htm expressionism.htm

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