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Eu as a superpower 8th January 2014 C/W Learning Objectives –

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1 Eu as a superpower 8th January 2014 C/W Learning Objectives –
Is the EU a potential future superpower? Learning Outcome – Students will be able to evaluate Europe’s potential as a future superpower Tricky: What does this map show? Trickier: Why do you think this happened? Trickiest: What are the advantages/disadvantages of this arrangement?

2 The European Union Made up of 28 European countries (last country to join was Croatia in 2013) Started in 1957 with 6 countries forming the European Economic Community (EEC) - Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg, West Germany. Governs common economic, social and security policies of its member states. The capital of the European Union is Brussels, Belgium. The EU is run by five main bodies: European Parliament, Council of the Union, European Commission, Court of Justice, and the Court of Auditors. The European Union is a major economic unit. The combined population of member countries is 57% larger than that of the United States. The United States is the EU's main trading partner.

3 Could the EU be a future superpower?
What do we need to consider to answer this question Military Economic Location


5 You will get one aspect for your group
You will get one aspect for your group. You will have 20 minutes to do some research on your particular aspect in preparation for a class discussion. You need to come back with a judgement on whether the EU is a threat in the area you have been given. You need to have balanced evidence!

6 Could the EU be a future superpower?
For Against

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