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Chemistry of Life: Water

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1 Chemistry of Life: Water
A follow-up lecture to Biochemistry notes (also important to the “chemistry of life”)

2 Refresh: Atoms - basic unit of matter Element-made of atoms Compound - two or more atoms chemically combined What would water be? What is the formula?

3 Water - essential to life:
A. Properties: Polar - uneven distribution of electrons between hydrogen and oxygen (-) near oxygen (+) near hydrogen

4 Polarity allows water the ability to dissolve many substances
(known as the universal solvent) Solution - a solute dissolved in a solvent

5 2. Hydrogen bonds - gives water many special properties
cohesion: attraction of water molecules to each other (Why spiders can walk on a pond’s surface)

6 Adhesion - attraction between water and other substances
Allows water to move from soil up through stems and leaves

7 B. Other uses of water to living things:
-regulates body temperature -maintains cell turgidity -used to maintain shape of proteins -transports nutrients -provides environment for chemical reactions (most important for cells)


9 Parts of the body vs. % water

10 Now, time for a quiz…

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