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Tissues, Organs and organisations.

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1 Tissues, Organs and organisations.

2 Tissues Multicellular organisms consist of many cells each preforming a specialised function. Groups of cells with specialised features that enable them to preform particular tasks effectively – form tissues Eg. One of the simplest is Epithelium – simple cells which fit together like paving stones Lines the spaces and the tubes within your body and found on the surface of your skin. Plants have a similar tissue on their surface named the epidermis

3 Muscle Tissue Made of specialised cells that can contract and move the body It is found in many places such as the gut where it squeezes the food along (peristalsis) Nervous tissue Consists of specialised cells that carry messages as nerve impulses – found in the brain and spinal column. Photosynthetic tissue Found in plants and consists of cells filled with chloroplast (Look at the table page 80 for other cells and their functions)

4 Organs In most animals, tissues combine to make organs.
“Organs are made of several different tissues, which work together to perform a specific function.” Heart – smooth muscle tissue and vascular tissue Kidney Controls the amount of water in the body Disposes of toxic waste Does other jobs ! Liver Has 500 jobs Stores and immobilises energy Controls blood sugar (glucose) Aids digestion Regulates blood clotting Produces non-reproductive hormones Manufactures cholesterol (certain amounts are good for you) Filters blood Breaks down drugs Produces vitamins (D) Stores minerals like iron Produces essential immune system factors These are just some

5 Systems A group of organs working in harmony to perform a major function for an organism - SYSTEM Circulation Respiration Digestion HOMEWORK: EACH SRTUDENT TO CHOOSE A SYSTEM AND WRITE A HALF PAGE ABOUT IT:-THE ORGANS INVOLVED AND HOW THEY WORK TOGETHER To be presented next lesson in mini oral format and handed up to collate for a class copy.

6 Living things have different shapes:
Plants have irregular shapes/animals are more regular and compact Front end of leading end (head) – ANTERIOR Other end – POSTERIOR Lower side of the body- closest to the ground – VENTRAL SIDE Upper side (back) – DORSAL Most animals are symmetrical- that is one side of the body is repeated on the other- mirror images This is called bilateral symmetry In opposition to this is radial symmetry- when limbs are coming from a central point- E.g. Starfish Plants- think of petals Some organisms have no symmetry – like the Amoeba is asymmetrical Constantly changes shape, no permanent right of left side.

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