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Main Facts All Christians believe that children should be brought up in a family with a mother and father ( unless one of them has died). The New Testament.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Facts All Christians believe that children should be brought up in a family with a mother and father ( unless one of them has died). The New Testament."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Facts All Christians believe that children should be brought up in a family with a mother and father ( unless one of them has died). The New Testament and the Christian Church teach that: Parents should love their children and provide them with food, clothes, etc. Parents set their children a good, Christian example and encourage their children to go to church and be baptised and confirmed Children should obey and respect their parents Children should look after their parents if they can no longer look after themselves.

2 Christians believe that the family is important
because: The Bible has many references to the importance of family life Christians marriage services refer to founding a family and bring children up in a Christian environment as major purposes of marriage. Christians believe that the family was created by God to keep society together Christians see the family as the basis of society.

3 Key Facts Christianity teaches that the family is important because it is the basis of society, and a main purpose of marriage. Christian parents should look after their children and bring them up as Christians. Christian children should respect their parents and look after them when they are old.

4 Marriage and the Family
Christian teachings on family life

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