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Presentation on theme: "STEM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Person #1 from each group grab the devices for your group.
Complete your Florida Piccollage.


4 Part I: Person # 2 from each group grab 2 sheets of paper for your group. Cut them in half. Each one of you will write about as many types of communication that you can think of.

5 Use the flow chart to the left (or download the file below) to answer the following questions: List the three major changes which were brought forth by the invention of the Printing Press. 2. What was the first publication created by the typewriter? 3. What is one negative result of the invention of the t.v.? 4. There are still 44,000 radio stations around. However, what has brought about the decline of local radio station? 5. How has social networking (myspace, facebook, twitter) impacted the workplace? Describe at least two examples. 6. Which change in communication do you feel has had the greatest impact this millennium? Explain in detail.

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