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Presentation on theme: "Symbiosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 symbiosis

2 What is symbiosis? “Sym” = together “Bio” = life “Sis” = condition
Symbiosis = the condition of living together AKA: what kind of relationship organisms who live together have with each other

3 mutualism Both organisms benefit (+/+) Example: Birds and flowers
The birds get food, and the flowers are pollinated

4 Parasitism One organism benefits at the dispense of another (+/-)
Example: Tapeworm Lives in your intestines and eats your food, and makes you sick and takes up your nutrients

5 Commensalism One organism benefits, the other is unaffected (+/0)
Example: Sharks and Remoras Remoras latch on to sharks and get a free ride to another area of the ocean, and the sharks don’t seem to mind

6 competition Both organisms are busy trying to take the other down (because they use the same resources), that they both end up losing (-/-) Example: Bacteria and Fungi Both bacteria and fungi spend energy trying to kill each other, so both end up losing energy in the process

7 Predator/prey (+/-) Like parasitism, but where one of the organisms is actively hunting the other as a food source. Example: Lions and Gazelles Lions hunt gazelles – the lions get food, and the gazelles die.

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