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Midcontinental Chapter of MLA

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1 Midcontinental Chapter of MLA
Annual Business Meeting October 5, 2018 Virtual Meeting

2 Agenda 1. Call to order – do we have a quorum? JOHN
Poll: Members in good standing JOHN 2. Approval of 2017 Business Meeting Minutes JOHN Do you approve? Vote: JOHN a. Yes b. No c. Abstain 3. Review Agenda / Call for new business JOHN 4. Awards - JUDI 5. Business requiring action JOHN Treasurer’s Report - Jackie Position Paper – Approve to Submit - Jeanne 6. Updates and Reports JOHN 7. New Business JOHN 8. Introduction of New Chapter Chair - Heather

3 Awards Judi Bergjord

4 AHIP First Time Applicant Award
No applicants yet but can submit through the end of the year

5 MCMLA Stars Donna Baluchi Brenda R Pfannenstiel John Bramble
Debra Loguda Summers *Tallie Casucci *Gwen Wilson Lynne M. Fox Nancy Woelfl Mary Helms * Gift card winners Holly Hubenschmidt Tisha Mentnech *Brandon Patterson MCMLA STARS Program This recognition program allows members to share what they've done throughout the year to go above and beyond their regular duties The deadline for nomination is September 1st . Please honor a colleague by nominating them for one of these awards. There were 14 nominations for Stars awards.  I did a random draw for the gift card winners. They were Brandon Patterson, Eccles Health Sciences Library University of Utah;  Gwen Wilson, Mabee Library, Washburn University; and Tallie Casucci, J. Willard Marriott Library University of Utah.

6 Nominate someone next year!
Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship Cindy Perkins Creighton University Medical Center – Bergan Mercy CHI Health Omaha, Nebraska Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship This award recognizes an academic health sciences librarian who has achieved a high level of professional accomplishment. The individual must be a member of MCMLA and work in an academic health sciences library. Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship This award honors a chapter member who has made an outstanding contribution to hospital librarianship. To be eligible, an individual must be a member of MCMLA and work in a hospital library. MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award This award honors a member for contributions to health sciences/hospital libraries, to the profession, goals, and objectives of the chapter. Bernice Hetzner Award Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship Nominate someone next year!

7 Outstanding Achievement Award Nominate someone next year!
Mary Helms UNMC McGoogan Library of Medicine Omaha, Nebraska Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship This award recognizes an academic health sciences librarian who has achieved a high level of professional accomplishment. The individual must be a member of MCMLA and work in an academic health sciences library. Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship This award honors a chapter member who has made an outstanding contribution to hospital librarianship. To be eligible, an individual must be a member of MCMLA and work in a hospital library. MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award This award honors a member for contributions to health sciences/hospital libraries, to the profession, goals, and objectives of the chapter. Bernice Hetzner Award Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship Nominate someone next year!

8 Please nominate someone next year!
Bernice Hetzner Award Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship Please nominate someone next year! Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship This award recognizes an academic health sciences librarian who has achieved a high level of professional accomplishment. The individual must be a member of MCMLA and work in an academic health sciences library. Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship This award honors a chapter member who has made an outstanding contribution to hospital librarianship. To be eligible, an individual must be a member of MCMLA and work in a hospital library. MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award This award honors a member for contributions to health sciences/hospital libraries, to the profession, goals, and objectives of the chapter.

9 Business Requiring Action Treasure’s Report – Jackie Hittner
MLA Position Paper – Jeanne Burke

10 Treasurer’s Report Jackie Hittner 2018 MCMLA Annual Meeting
Virtual Meeting October 5, 2018

11 Reminders MCMLA budget runs on a calendar year Financial Accounts
a money market interest bearing checking account a checking account for the chapter a checking account for the annual meeting the endowment

12 Available Funds 2013-2017 (end of fiscal year)
End September 30, 2018 Money Market 52,232.96 Checking 2,685.78 Endowment 24,513.41 TOTAL 79,432.15 Endowment Principal: 23,355.41 Endowment Interest: 1,158.00

13 Revenue Streams for Chapter in 2017
Membership Dues Profit from Annual Meeting Interest on Money Market Account ($61.69) Interest on the Endowment Fund ($2,212.75)

14 Dues Revenue Notes: Started collecting 2017 dues in January 2017 19 members in 2016 did not renew for 2017 For 2017: 139 regular members; 11 emeritus members; 14 student members As of September 30, 2018: 124 regular members; 15 emeritus members; 12 student members

15 Annual Meeting Profit 2013-2017
2013 – Salt Lake City 2014 – Denver 2015 – Virtual 2016 – Des Moines Columbia

16 Chapter Revenues/Expenses

17 Chapter Revenues/Expenses
September 30, 2018 Revenue Members' Dues for 2017 by Check 1,160.00 Members' Dues for 2017 by PayPal 3,060.00 Cynthia Avallone 30.00 Annual Meeting Loan Repayment 2016 2,000.00 Meeting Profit: 2016 8,366.31 Interest 41.68 Bank Service Charge Reimbursed 10.00 Total Revenue 14,667.99 Expenses Chapter Council Rep 500.00 Treasurer 869.14 Express Editor 179.84 Webmaster 68.38 Honors & Awards 40.00 Total Expenses 1,657.36 Profit (Loss) Total 13,010.63

18 Completed Since October 2017
Add $ to the Endowment Fund Submitted Form 990 to MLA for 2017 MCMLA Tax Filing The Chapter’s financial records for 2016 and 2017 were audited. Audit was very positive.

19 2019 Dues Renewal Schedule Nov 26, 2018 Deactivate the chapter membership renewal link so we can revise/update the membership form Dec 2018 Review form Jan 1, 2019       Activate the chapter membership renewal link so members can pay dues Jan 2, 2019      Wild Apricot will a reminder to members it is time to pay their dues; message will be sent to the listserv letting membership know the renewal reminder was sent earlier in the day Jan 16, 2019    Wild Apricot will a reminder to members who have not paid their dues to pay their dues Feb 1, 2019     Wild Apricot will a reminder to members who have not paid their dues that they have until Feb 14 to pay their dues. If payment is not received by Feb 15 then the member goes into lapsed status Feb 15, 2019   Members who have not paid their dues goes into lapsed status

20 Vote to approve the 2018 Treasure Report
Do you approve? a. Yes b. No c. Abstain

21 MLA Position Paper Standing committee requirement to be a MLA Member
Nancy Wolf Jeanne Burke Jackie Hittner John Bramble



24 MLA Position Paper Standing committee requirement to be a MLA Member
Do you approve submitting the paper? a. I am a MCMLA member and vote Yes b. I am a MCMLA member and vote No c. I am a MCMLA member and abstain d. I am a MCMLA and MLA member and vote Yes e. I am a MCMLA and MLA member and vote No f. I am a MCMLA and MLA member and abstain

25 Updates and Review

26 Advocacy Committee Committee Members Angela Spencer, Chair
Emily Eresuma, Incoming Chair Kimberley Harp John Bramble, Ex Officio Activities Planned to compile advocacy resources to publish in Express Solicited member to share best advocacy resources Planned to define advocacy through showcasing member effective ideas Submitted by Angela Spencer, Chair  Advocacy (4) Emily Eresuma, Chair (2019) Eccles Primary Children’s Outpatient Services Salt Lake City, UT Kimberly Harp (2019) Stormont-Vail Stauffer Health Sciences Library Topeka, Kansas Kristi Steigerwalt (2021) UMKC Health Sciences Library Kansas City, MO Jacob White (2021) Rockhurst University Carly McCracken (2021) Hays Public Library Hays, KS

27 Archives Working Group
Committee Members Jessica Gerber, Chair Jackie Hittner Betsy Mueth Angela Spencer Nancy Woelfl Activities: Ingest Electronic items into the digital repository, Digital Collections of Colorado MCMLA webpage documents MCMLA documents as created, ongoing Promoting archives in the Express newsletter (new column) Photos into the repository submitted to the archive Sort Express Newsletter physical archived, nearly complete Express & Octasphere paper copies to HSL for storage, completed Scan photographs, in process Members: Jackie Hittner, Betsy Mueth, Angela Spencer, and Nancy Woelfl Goals/Activities: 1.       Ingest electronic items into the digital repository, Digital Collections of Colorado ·         Status: complete as of to date ·         Ingested all documents available on the current MCMLA webpage ·         Continue to ingest MCMLA documents created by the organization ·         Advertise newly ingested items in the Express newsletter ·   Write a column featuring MCMLA items in the repository 2.       Sort the physical archives ·         Status: partially completed, plan to complete within the next few months ·         Successfully sorted and mailed the Express paper copies to HSL for storage in the archives ·         Also mailed Octasphere for future review 3.       Scan boxes of photographs ·         Status: partially complete, in process ·         Setup scanning station with HP scanners at HSL (up to 4800 DPI) ·         Ingested photos into the repository submitted to the archive ·   Photos from MCMLA Annual Meeting 2017 Budget: None requested Also, from what I understand, the archives working group will be disbanded once the paper archives are complete, and I will continue as the archivist?  Not sure about the upcoming members of the group, depends on when the paper archives are complete?  Some of the members mentioned they would leave after this task is complete.  Thanks!

28 Bylaws Committee Committee Members Euem Osmera, Chair
Christian Minter, Incoming chair Danielle Drummond Susan Swogger Nancy Woelfl Gwen Wilson, Ex Officio Jeanne Burke, Ex Officio Activities 1.      Investigate the Honorary Membership Category.  Work with Membership and Honors & Awards Committee. 2.      Work with MCMLA Parliamentarian and MLA Chapter Council on the position paper on requirement of MLA membership for chapter Standing Committee if needed.  Respectfully submitted by Euem C. Osmera, Chair MCMLA Bylaws Report There were no bylaws changes this year; however, the committee worked with the MCMLA Parliamentarian representative on a position paper on requirement for Chapter Standing Committee Chairs. Nancy Woelfl drafted the paper with help from Jackie Hittner, past-Chapter Chair; Jeanne Burke, Chapter Council to MLA and Euem Osmera, Bylaws chair. The position paper was discussed at the August 13, 2018 Executive Board meeting; the board suggested membership should vote on whether if they agree or not with ‘requirement of Chapter Standing Committee Chairs’ be members of MLA at the 2018 Virtual Annual Meeting. If the votes are in favor of the position paper, which states that Chapter Standing Committee Chairs shall not be a member of MLA, MCMLA Chapter then will draft a template letter, and sends it to other Chapters in the country to drum up support before taking the paper to MLA. Euem Osmera, Bylaws chair, recruited three new members, Christian Minter, Danielle Drummond, and Sally Swogger, to the committee and appointed Christian Minter as Vice-Chair of the Bylaws Committee. Respectfully submitted by Euem C. Osmera, 2018 Chair of MCMLA Bylaws

29 Education Committee Committee Members
Brenda Linares, Chair & Incoming Chair Shelie Vacek Maria Ford Katie Dayani John Jones, Ex Officio Shawn Steidinger, Ex Officio Activities 1. Assisted with CE for our 2018 virtual Conference  2. Recruiting new committee members 3. Arranging MLA CE for Virtual Conference   Respectfully submitted by Brenda Linares, Chair & Incoming Chair We have a CE scheduled for our Chapter virtual conference in October.  2. We will be getting new committee members after the conference.  3. In terms of budget we don’t have the total amount yet, but we will be requesting money to pay to MLA to be able to offer CE credits to to the people who attend the CE class at the chapter conference. We will pay $50 for every 25 attendee. We will  be paying around $200. We should have a total amount one week before the conference. The CE is included in the conference registration.   4. Goals- I am working on goals that I will share with Heather right after the chapter conference.  I hope this helps to keep you posted on what our committee is doing. 

30 Finance Committee Committee Members Jackie Hittner, Permanent Chair
Kate Anderson Anne Heimann Katie Dayani John Bramble, Ex Officio Heather Brown, Ex Officio Nancy Woelfl, Ex Officio Activities Express articles on endowment donation Revise the 2019 Membership Renewal Form (added endowment donation) Create endowment marketing kit for each viewing site for the 2018 virtual conference Respectfully submitted by Jackie Hittner, Chair Finance Committee Annual Meeting Report September 2018 2017/2018 Committee/Taskforce Goals (Please find the goals shared with me earlier in the year below) Financial responsibility MCMLA members are aware of the chapter financial management plan Activities to meet the goal: Write a quarterly article for the Express regarding the endowment and the financial situation of the chapter. This article will include a reminder to membership to read the monthly minutes of the Executive Committee for the current financials of the chapter. ACTION: There have been Express articles regarding donations to the endowments. Quarterly articles regarding the finances of the chapter did not happen. Create endowment marketing kit for each viewing site for the 2018 virtual annual meeting to raise awareness of the endowment and collect donations for the endowment. ACTION: This point will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on September 7, 2018. Revise the 2019 Membership Renewal Form to include an endowment donation section. Put suggested donation amounts. ACTION: Treasurer will work on this with the new website mistress in December 2018. Who will be appointed 2018/19 Committee Chair? Jackie Hittner, MCMLA Treasurer Goals/Activities – please report if you were able to complete, partially complete, or did not complete. If you will be completed by the conference, please indicate this. See ACTION statements above Budget Requested/Spent $ budgeted to be used to market the endowment at the 2018 virtual meeting

31 Honors & Awards Committee
Committee Members Judi Bergjord, Chair and Incoming Chair Kristen DeSanto, Brenda Linares Activities Nominations for named Award and MCMLA Stars Promoted MLA Chapter Sharing Roundtables via Roundtable Lunch Award. Annual Meeting Travel Scholarship. Investigating adding new award for retiring librarians Respectfully submitted by Judi Bergjord, Chair & Incoming Chair MCMLA Honors & Awards Committee Annual Report Committee members: Judi Bergjord, Chair Kristen DeSanto Brenda Linares Objectives: Identify and recognize members of the Chapter who have made significant contributions to the organization and the profession through the awarding of the Chapter's three highest awards: Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award Identify and recognize members of the Chapter who have made more incremental contributions through the Stars Program. Encourage MCMLA members’ participation in the Chapter Sharing Roundtables through the Roundtable Lunch Award. Enable a needful member to attend the Annual Meeting with the Travel Scholarship. Major Awards There were no nominees for the Bernice M. Hetzner Award. Cindy Perkins, Creighton University Medical Center – Bergan Mercy, CHI Health will receive the Barbara McDowell Award. Mary Helms, University of Nebraska Medical Center, will receive the Outstanding Achievement Award. Stars Program – 12 members were identified, recognizing: 1 change in AHIP status 9 journal articles 2 awards 4 chapters in a book 16 classes taught 18 committee assignments 2 innovations 2 mentorships 4 offices 10 posters 18 presentations 1 promotion There were no applicants for the Travel Scholarship, as the meeting is virtual this year. Respectfully submitted, Judi Bergjord, Chair, Honors & Awards Committee

32 Membership Committee Membership Committee Yumin Jiang, Chair
Nena Schvaneveldt, Incoming Chair Alissa Fial Kimberly Harp Jim Honour Timmi Johnson Jeanne Burke, Ex Officio Jackie Hittner, Ex Officio Activities Survey of Non-Renewing Members Welcoming New Chapter Members Lapsed Members  Investigate the Honorary Membership Activities for the Future Mentor Program Survey Conduct a survey to non-renewing members every three years    Respectfully submitted by Yumin Jiang, Committee Chair Communicate with Library Schools   Poster at MLA Annual Meeting  Free Memberships Highlight New Members at the Chapter Meeting Chapter Membership Data As of September 28, 2018: 127 = active regular members 16 = emeritus members 17 = student members 161 Total members. There are also 35 vendor members. Membership Committee Members Alissa Fial Kimberly Harp Jim Honour Yumin Jiang (Chair) Timmi Johnson Nena Schvaneveldt (Incoming Chair, ) Ex-Officio Members MLA Chapter Council Representative, Annette Parde-Maass MLA Chapter Membership Liaison, Jeanne Burke MCMLA Treasurer, Jackie Hittner Activities Completed Survey of Non-Renewing Members – 30 non-renewing members from 2017 and 2018 were contacted via , with a short survey included. Welcoming New Chapter Members – Committee members welcome new chapter members throughout the year. Each new member is asked to answer a few questions that will be edited into an interview for publication in the MCMLA Express Newsletter. 23 new members were welcomed this year, 12 responded to questions and 10 have been included in the newsletter. Lapsed Members – 31 lapsed members were contacted via and invited to renew their chapter membership. Investigate the Honorary Membership – This was turned over to the Honors & Awards Committee. Communicate with Library Schools - Committee members sent messages to library schools in the region, encouraging students to become members of MCMLA. The schools include: Emporia State University (the directors for each state that are in the region), University of North Texas, and University of Denver. Poster at MLA Annual Meeting –MCMLA submitted an e-poster. Committee members also successfully co-organized two get-together events for MCMLC members who attended the Annual meeting. Free Memberships – Free MCMLA membership will be chosen to award during the 2018 virtual chapter meeting. Highlight New Members at the Chapter Meeting – A PowerPoint file containing new members information was created and will be shown during the 2018 virtual chapter meeting. Activities for the Future Mentor Program Survey– The committee hasn’t been able to work on this. Conduct a survey to non-renewing members every three years – This frequency was suggested back in The committee discussed the logistics of conducting a survey two or three years after people dropped out the Chapter. We recommend that the committee send out the survey soon after the renewal period is passed, and the survey be included in the sent to lapsed members. Submitted by Yumin Jiang, Committee Chair

33 Publication Committee
Committee Members Amanda Sprochi, Chair (indefinite) Katie Dayani John Jones Activities: Continued publication of newsletter quarterly in , Issues in November, February, and May/August (combined issue) Katie Dayani began a “Getting to Know You” column, highlighting current MCMLA members Jessica Gerber, MCMLA Archivist, began an archive column Regular columns were submitted by Amanda Sprochi (MCMLA Congratulates) Chapter president, John Bramble Call went out for an additional editor for the Express Respectfully submitted, Amanda K. Sprochi Publications Chair/Express Editor

34 Research Committee Committee Members Christi Piper, Chair
Wlad Labeikovsky, Incoming Chair Melissa Rethlefsen Rebecca Carlson McCall Liz Kellermeyer Jennifer Lyon Amy Suiter Activities: Work with the 2018 MCMLA Annual Meeting Planning Committee Organize paper and poster presentations Select research award winners at Annual Meeting Investigate the development of a research stipend/award Planning presentation proposal for Executive Committee Work to revitalize and develop research mentoring and collaboration program Developing support system for member applications to professional development activities Respectfully submitted, Christi Piper Research Committee Chair Research Committee 2017/2018 Goals: Work with the 2018 MCMLA Annual Meeting Planning Committee to organize paper and poster presentations. Complete at time of conferenceInvestigate the development of a research stipend or award to encourage research among membership. Complete, awaiting presentation to executive committee Select research award winners at Annual Meeting. Complete at time of conference Work to revitalize and develop research mentoring and collaboration program, including developing a support system for member applications to professional development activities related to research or grant proposals. Partially complete 2018/2019 Incoming Chair: Wlad LabeikovskyBudget Requested: $550 Budget Spent: $550

35 MLA AHIP Credentialing Liaison
72: Current AHIP members in our chapter 9: Renewals since 10/2017  3: New members since 10/2017: Mellanye Lackey - Distinguished  Angela Hardi -  Senior Gwen Wilson - Senior Entries for the 2018 First Time AHIP Applicant Award due by end of 2018 Award reimburses member's application fees for their AHIP credential. See MCMLA AHIP page on website for more info Respectfully submitted by: Shawn Steidinger, MLS, AHIP MCMLA Credentialing Liaison

36 Web Editor/MCMLA Listserv Administrator
Tracey Hugues – Stepping down ***THANK YOU FOR YOUR YEARS OF SERVICE*** ***WELCOME!*** Tisha Mentnech, Eccles Library – Web Editor Holly Henderson, Mercy Hospital Springfield – Listserv Administrator Listserv activities (Oct 2017 – Oct 2018): Worked with subscribers to address posts from “unrecognized” addresses. Monitored listserv to prevent spam Listserv training for Holly Henderson Web Editor activities (Oct 2017 – Oct 2018): Updated the Admin listserv incoming & outgoing Executive Committee members. Updated passwords for Membership, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chairs Monitored the Wild Apricot system during the annual membership renewal period. 2018 MCMLA Virtual Meeting committee, assisting with web page development. Began training Tisha Mentnech on the duties of the Web Editor position. Listserv activities (Oct 2017 – Oct 2018): u  Worked with individual subscribers to address posts from “unrecognized” addresses. u  Continued to monitor the listserv to prevent the posting of s from an increasing number of spam accounts. u  Coordinated listserv training for Holly Henderson, who will take over as the Listserv Owner. u  Web Editor activities (Oct 2017 – Oct 2018): u  Updated the MCMLA-L-Admin listserv for incoming & outgoing Executive Committee members. u  Updated passwords for the Membership, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Chairs “dummy accounts” (used by selected Executive Committee members to make updates to specific web pages). u  Monitored the Wild Apricot system during the annual membership renewal period. u  Served on the 2018 MCMLA Virtual Meeting committee, assisting with web page development. u  Began training Tisha Mentnech on the duties of the Web Editor position.

37 Annual Meeting Advisor
Seeking: 2020 Virtual Meeting Chair/Co-Chairs 2021 Joint Meeting with Midwest Chapter Co-Chair John D. Jones, Jr

38 2017 Meeting Planning Committee - One Health
“The expected attendance is 50… Fingers crossed…the conference is expected to break even” Tiger Hotel in Columbia, MO, October 9-11th 56: attended 8: CE Certificates (1 class) 11: Vendors $4,038: Profit $22,700: Revenue $18,039: Expenses

39 2018 Annual Meeting Committee
Gwen Wilson: Co-chair Rebecca Brown: Co-chair, Promotion Alicia Lillich   Taira Meadowcroft   Amanda Sprochi: logo Amy Suiter: Treasurer/Vendors Christi Piper: Research (maternity leave) Brenda Linares: CE Tracey Hughes: Website Tisha Mentnech: Website Annual Meeting Chairs 2018 Meeting Planners (Virtual Meeting) Gwen Wilson: Co-chair Rebecca Brown: Co-chair, Promotion Alicia Lillich   Taira Meadowcroft   Amanda Sprochi: logo Amy Suiter: Treasurer/Vendors Christi Piper: Research (maternity leave) Brenda Linares: CE Tracey Hughes: Website Tisha Mentnech: Website

40 2019 Annual Meeting Committee
Euem C. Osmera McGoogan Library of Medicine University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE Jeanne Burke Health Sciences Library Creighton University Omaha NE 2019 Meeting Planners (Omaha) Euem C. Osmera McGoogan Library of Medicine University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE Jeanne Burke Health Sciences Library Creighton University Omaha NE

41 Anticipated Committee Report
Nominating Committee Members: Pat Hamilton, Chair Jim Honour, Incoming Chair Open spot (2020) Gwen Wilson, Immediate Past Chair

42 2017-2018 Goals 1. Implement the MCMLA 5 year Strategic Plan
2.  Investigate MCMLA Publishing Conference Proceedings    3. Investigate MLA as being the chapter's online services provider

43 1. MCMLA Strategic Plan Implementation
Strategic Area 1: Member engagement Goal 1: MCMLA Members utilize chapter programs and services Goal 2: MCMLA leadership, committee, task force, etc., positions have broad representation of members Strategic Area 2: Continuing education & professional development Goal 1: MCMLA members’ educational and professional needs are supported Strategic Area 3: Research Goal 1: MCMLA members are involved in member-driven research Strategic Area 4: Advocacy Goal 1: MCMLA members are health sciences librarianship advocates Goal 2: MCMLA member are aware of MCMLA, MLA Chapters, ALA, MLA, etc. advocacy resources Strategic Area 5: Professional networking Goal 1: MCMLA members share and network throughout the year. Strategic Area 6: Financial responsibility Goal 1: MCMLA members are aware of the chapter financial management plan Distributed guides on how to create SMART Goals to MCMLA Executive Committee Members One on one help with committee chair requesting assistance.

44 2. Publishing Conference Proceedings
1. Taskforce Created Christi Piper (Chair) Jessica Gerber John Bramble Gwen Wilson Amanda Sprochi Jeanne Burke 2. Questionnaire designed, distributed, results analyzed , conclusions, Recommendations 3. Lightening Talk “MCMLA Explores the Possibility of Publishing Conference Proceedings” 4. Taskforce Recommendations Publish abstracts and posters as an annual Proceeding (digital repository) Create a temporary Task Force /Working Group to develop template Determine responsible committees E.g. Archivist & Research Committee 5 year Proceedings assessment Explore full paper requirement Research questions as they come up Lightening Talk Thursday, October 4th from 1:15 – 2:05pm

45 3. MLA Online Services Provider
Phase 1: Compare costs for existing services used by MCMLA to what MLA would charge

46 MLA Online Services Provider
MCMLA Pays: $ Wild Apricot $ PayPal Fees $ Network Solutions (Domain Name Renewal) $9.72 Wild Apricot International Service Fee

47 New Business

48 Introducing New Chapter Chair – Heather Brown

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