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2 ECG stands for Electrocardiography
the record of electrical signal of the heart Can be used to analyze the mechanical activity of the heart

3 The intrinsic conduction system
Components: SA node (highest rate of discharge, sets the rate of depolarization for the heart; aka pacemaker)  atria AV node  atrial contraction (delayed until complete) AV bundle (Bundle of His) Right & left bundle branches Purkinje fibers  ventricular contraction Repolarization of the SA node is spread throughout the atria while the ventricles depolarize. Then the ventricles repolarize  ventricular diastole



6 Components of the ECG Isoelectric line- a straight line
P wave- atrial depolarization  ~ atrial contraction QRS complex- ventricular depolarization  ~ ventricular contraction T wave- ventricular repolarization  ~ ventricular relaxation Segments- period of time from the end of one wave to the beginning of the next wave ex. ST segment Intervals- one wave + a segment of the isoelectric line between waves ex. PR interval

7 Isoelectric line & P Wave

8 QRS Complex

9 T wave

10 PR (PQ) Interval

11 ST segment

12 Question? Is it normal for athletes to have low resting heart beat ~ 50 BPM & left ventricular hypertrophy? What about same condition seen in sedentary individuals? YES NO

13 Mean electrical axis tells us the net direction the depolarization or repolarization is heading (-ve to +ve) Einthoven’s Triangle: configuration of 3 leads = standard bipolar limb lead Einthoven’s Law: Lead I + Lead II = Lead III (QRS) Q + R + S = net QRS complex

14 Algebra

15 p188 Find the Net QRS amplitude for lead I (0.1mv gradations). Draw a perpendicular line to lead I. (Note +ve or –ve direction) Find the Net QRS amplitude for lead III. Draw a perpendicular line to lead III. (Note +ve or –ve direction) Determine the point of intersection of these 2 perpendicular lines. Draw a new vector from the center point (0,0) to the point of intersection. Approximate mean electrical axis (5º gradations)

16 Ex. Lead I = +13.5

17 Lead III = +9

18 Mean electrical axis = 58º

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