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ANIMAL FARM By: George Orwell.

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Presentation on theme: "ANIMAL FARM By: George Orwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANIMAL FARM By: George Orwell

2 The animals are treated badly with only Enough food to keep them alive

3 When Mr. Jones comes outside to see what the
animals are doing, they attack him and his men and drive them out of the farm

4 Everything was a success! All of the animals
were well fed and happy living on their own

5 The seven commandments are made and Snowball
And Napoleon start arguing about everything

6 Napoleon trains the dogs to go after Snowball and he
also is driven out of the farm

7 Napoleon declares that the windmill should,
and will be built

8 The first windmill is knocked down and Napoleon
says that Snowball was the one who did it

9 Napoleon orders that the windmill will be rebuilt
and Boxer works so hard that he collapses…Napoleon sends him to the horse slaughterer

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