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Confident Communication

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1 Confident Communication
Part 2

2 Open Posture Much of our communication is non-verbal. Practice an open posture during the next few exercises.

3 Check the scenarios (Post-its on the back of your chair)
1 - You are in a friend’s party. The room is filled with complete strangers. 2 - You are a new employee. You meet your colleagues in the first day. 3 - You are a student representing the school in an introductory session with prospective parents 4 - A friend of yours invite you to join a hike with his/her other friends 5 - You join a student ambassador programme. You are in the orientation meeting / programme.

4 How to start a conversation??
Ask a question that is easy to answer. Ask an open ended question. Give them a sincere complement. Ask for advise or a recommendation. Comment on the environment. Ask their opinion on something relevant. Ask a hypothetical question. Tell them something about yourself, followed by a question about whether they too have the same interest/pet/job/etc.

5 How to be charismatic Charisma is something you can practice.


7 10 ways to be charismatic 1. Be responsive. 2. Be enthusiastic.
3. Laugh easily. 4. Be interested in the other person/people. 5. Contribute to the conversation. 6. Tell an amusing story that is relevant. 7. Get their attention before you speak. 8. Don’t try to force the interaction. 9. Allow silence. 10. Don’t interrupt.

8 Groups of Four In a group, discuss what is the best ice cream flavour, or cake flavour. Make sure you are using the tips you learned in the lesson. Go! Reflection: Give yourself a percentage according to how much you spoke. You should be aiming for 25% in a group of 4.

9 Group Discussion Why is it so hard to start a conversation with a stranger? Recall some techniques we can practice. What is charisma? This about someone very magnetic. What do they do differently? If you have spare time, give them a new topic to discuss in small groups.

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