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The World of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Science

2 Title Main Ideas - Information Subtopics Topics - Indent
Leave plenty of space Key Words - only words and phrases Use abbreviations Keep it neat and complete!

3 Geology -study of the origin, history, and structure of Earth -processes that shape Earth Oceanography -study of the sea Chemistry -study of the properties of matter and how matter changes Ecology -study of the interactions between living things and the nonliving things in their environment

4 Branches of Science Science - it’s a process -gather knowledge about the natural world Observation -using one or more of your senses to gather information sight, hearing, touch, taste, & smell helps you make decisions throughout your day Quantitative -deals with numbers, or amount Observations -ex. seeing you have 8 new s

5 Qualitative -deals with descriptions that can’t be expressed Observations in numbers -ex. noticing a bike is blue Inference -explanation of observations -not guessing -based on reasoning you already know -what is happening or has happened -not always correct Predicting -making a forecast of what will happen -based on past evidence




9 Scientific Method

10 Scientific -steps to solve problems or answer questions Method 1. Ask a ? -can’t answer ?’s about personal taste -also known as the problem in an experiment 2. Research -find out more -variety of resources (not just websites) 3. Form a -possible explanation to the problem Hypothesis -must be testable -not a fact -need many trials to be accepted as true - Write in “if…then….” statement.

11 4. Procedure -test hypothesis -use only 1 variable -the larger the sample size, the better Variable -factor that changes Independent -purposefully changed Variable -also called manipulated variable Dependent -factor that may change in response Variable to independent -also called responding variable Controls -factors that don’t change -used for comparison

5. Analyze -organize data into charts Results -graph results 6. Draw -does it support your hypothesis? Conclusions -summary of what you learned 7. Communicate -share ideas Results -scientific papers, presentations, internet, etc… ***NEVER EXPERIMENT ONLY ONCE!!!***

13 Model -representation of an object or system physical (airplanes, dolls) mathematical (made of math equations/data) conceptual (big bang theory) Scientific -explanation that ties together many Theory hypotheses and observations Scientific Law -summary of many experimental results and observations -tells you what happens, not why it happens Fact -complete truth -cannot be argued

14 Measurement Chapter 1: Section 4

15 Tools and Measurement Tool -anything that helps you do a task International -SI System of -metric system Units -based on multiples of 10 Length -basic unit = meter (m) Mass -amount of matter an object contains -basic unit = gram (g)

16 Volume -amount of space an object takes up -basic unit = liter (L) (liquids) -cm³ (solids) Density -how much mass is contained in a given volume D = m V -units = g/mL or g/cm³ Temperature -amount of heat or energy -SI unit = kelvin (K) Time -SI unit = second (s)

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