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Week 5 9/22.

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1 Week 5 9/22

2 Sacred Writing Time Your Voice level needs to be at 0
Write a story about this wonderfully creepy (maybe cute) cat! It happens to be the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, but it doesn’t have to be in your story. Maybe it is the cat from At Dusk? Page 11 You have 10 minutes I will walk around to check your completion.

3 Rules overview 2 minutes
I believe each one of my classes needs to be more focused on the task at hand Sacred writing time will now be a 0 voice level activity. When you come in you need to be in your seats, prepared, and working. (the assignment is always on the board) Stay in your seats, unless you are prompted by me to get up. When I am talking you are not!

4 At Dusk reflection Why does the Author choose to use constellation instead of group or cluster? What does the cats home represent in the poem? Who is the speaker? Is it the poet? What imagery is used in the poem? What is the tone? Last but not least! What is the theme that the author is trying to get a cross?

5 Continued… Interpret: The speaker may be addressing the difficulties that people have with communication Interpret: The fireflies represent an escape to the future luminous possibilities Infer: Alone. People are not mentioned outside of the neighbor that is next door. There is the need to call someone home Analyze: They both seem to be alone , the unheeded call! Analyze: loneliness, longing, anticipation, desire, depression, parallelism Conclusion: Dusk is a time for change, the speaker longs for some kind of change. The overtone of loneliness relates to the need to call someone home, or possibly to reconcile with someone.

6 Page 9 of your ISN If you have work from page 8 on page 9 continue underneath or on the page after, and number it page 9 I want you to write a reflection on At Dusk I don’t want a summary of the text, you can give that to me in one or two sentences. I want you to tell me about the primary themes, the tone, the message that is conveyed. 2-4 sentences explaining to me what happened in the poem 3-5 sentences on loneliness. What does it mean to be lonely? Have you ever been lonely? 3-5 sentences what feelings to you gain while reading the poem? Why? Use textual evidence to support what you are stating.

7 Sacred writing time, page 12, Voice levels are 0
You’re an adventurer on a lost island…..

8 DIA Thursday and Friday
Make sure that you remain in your seat Voices need to be at zero (this is a test!) Write your name (full), date, and period on both the test and the loose leaf sheet of paper. You can use technology, but make sure that you are focused on finishing. 

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