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Aid to the South D Boland Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Aid to the South D Boland Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aid to the South D Boland Geography

2 Aid is given by rich countries to poor states
Aid is given by rich countries to poor states. Disagreement exists about the effectiveness of aid programmes.

3 Givers of Aid Individuals to Trócaire, Concern, Goal etc.
Tax Paid to governments Governments in Richer countries Provide Bilateral & Multilateral Aid

4 Sources of Aid Non-Governmental Aid: Provided by voluntary groups called Non-Governmental Organisations. Ex. Trocaire, Oxfam. Bilateral Aid: Aid given by one government to another. Ex Irish to Zambian government. Multilateral Aid: Governments give money to international bodies such as United Nations, who then distribute it in 3rd world countries.

5 Emergency Aid

6 NGO’s

7 Types of Aid Emergency Aid : Given a time of crisis, like after earthquakes or during famine, to prevent deaths. Ex. food, shelter, medicine. Development Aid : ‘Long term’ aidaimed at improving agriculture, education, health systems in 3rd world countries. Ex. Specialist training (teachers, nurses), machinery.



10 Ireland’s Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s)
Many Irish NGO’s famous for their outstanding work. Collect money on voluntary basis & use it to help human needs in 3rd world countries. Efficient, small-scale projects – help people help themselves. Widely respected because politically neutral & fearlessly campaign for human rights.

11 UNICEF UNICEF not an NGO but is a huge contributor to child relief.
There main focuses: Basic Education and Gender Equality, Child Protection from violence, exploitation and abuse, HIV/AIDS and Child Rights. Over 190 Nations have workers In 2006 budget was $2.8 Billion

12 Oxfam Find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice
Over 3000 partners in over 100 countries. Started as a type of food bank to stop famine, eventually has aided in stopping causes of famine, provide medicine and tools and international markets and stores to sell goods at fair prices.

13 NGO’s

14 Irelands Bilateral Aid
Only governments have resources to greatly reduce poverty in the south. About 63% of Irish government aid is given directly to 3rd World governments as Bilateral Aid.



17 The Lesotho Programme Small, land-locked, mountain region in Southern Africa. Some projects aimed at basic human needs: digging wells, improving agriculture, train local nurses & doctors. Some projects aimed at improved transport Gravel roads laid by locals Meant rural communities could develop




21 How Effective is International Aid?
Arguments for: -Emergency aid saves lives. -Development aids communities. -Aid spreads the worlds wealth. Arguments against: -Can leave receivers dependent -Sometimes given under conditions -Fair trade is better, stops exploitation












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