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Welcome to ACDV 70B Note Taking, Lecture 1 “The Art of Listening”

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1 Welcome to ACDV 70B Note Taking, Lecture 1 “The Art of Listening”

2 The Art of Listening To be a good note taker, you MUST be _______
_________________________. Hearing vs. Listening: What’s the difference? hearing=______________________ listening=_____________________ _____________________________ So…just because you can hear doesn’t mean you are listening!!

3 Example of Hearing Vs. Listening
*Listening involves _____________ what you are hearing and attaching meaning to words. Ex. If I were speaking to you in Japanese, you would hear me but wouldn’t understand me (so you really couldn’t be listening to me).

4 Of the 4 communication skills
(listening, speaking, reading, and writing), the listening skills of a person in our society are often the _____________…why?!! What are some factors that might influence your ability to be a good listener? Keep in mind…some factors can be controlled while others cannot!

5 Factors that Can Influence Listening
Of these factors, which can you control? *For this slide, do not worry about taking any notes. Just listen, and decide which factors are within your control.

6 A I ttitude…a factor you CAN control!!
Positive attitude toward topic & instructor _______________ your listening ability. Negative attitude _________ auditory channels necessary for good listening. I nstructor…a factor you CANNOT control! Some instructors are dull speakers…part of _________________. You must find ways to overcome these kinds of barriers.

7 Learning Styles If you need more examples in a class, ask
instructor for further _________________. Don’t _______ instructor knows HOW you need to receive information…he/she probably doesn’t. Most teachers teach based on their own learning styles…and forget that not all students learn that way. Right brain-dominant person…may struggle with ___________________ classes Left brain-dominant person…may have a hard time with _______________ classes You can take a neat Learning Styles Survey at:

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