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Compare and Contrast Multiple Mediums

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1 Compare and Contrast Multiple Mediums
BP 4 Reading Game Piece 15.1 Compare and Contrast Multiple Mediums

2 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Objective Compare and contrast a text to a media version of on the same topic, identify the advantages and disadvantages of each version, and analyze which version give the most complete details.

3 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

4 Flip Slips Practice STEPS TO Skill or Problem Compare and contrast two different medias and analyze and evaluate their merits. STEP PREP Procedures Skill Language & Vocab Breakdown Prior Knowledge Textual Evidence Anticipation (1 Practice Problem Before Procedures )

5 Skill Focus The skill for this week is...... Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each medium’s portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words). Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea. Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person’s life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.

6 Skill Focus In other words, Compare and contrast provided text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the same text and how each present the subject and analyze which details are emphasized in each version. Evaluate which version is more effective.

7 Vocabulary Copy the following words: Analyze Compare Contrast Text Audio Video Multimedia Version Emphasize

8 Vocabulary Strategy: Word Analysis
Under “My Definition,” write the definition for each word. Next, use the word in a sentence. Below “My Definition” under “Synonym” write two words that are similar to the vocabulary word. Finally, under “Antonym” write two words that are opposite.

9 Vocabulary Analyze: breaking down information with supporting evidence. Compare: to examine in order to discover likenesses. Contrast: to examine in order to discover differences. Text: the main body of a book or other piece of writing

10 Vocabulary Audio: sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced. Video: the recording, reproduction or broadcasting or visual images.

11 Vocabulary Multimedia: using more than one form of communication or expression. Version: an account or description from one point of view. Emphasize: to give emphasis or importance to

12 Prior Knowledge Do books and movies about the same subject give the same information? Does a recording of a speech help you better understand the text? If you had to tell a story, how would you do it; speech, book, music, art, or movie? Why?

13 Anticipatory Set How is the text different from the picture? Which gives you a deeper understanding?

14 Steps Step 1: Read the given speech.
Step 2: Write a brief summary of the speech.

15 Steps Step 3: What is the theme of the speech?
Step 4: Provide textual evidence to support your answer. Step 5: Who is the intended audience of the piece?

16 Steps Step 6: Provide textual evidence to support your answer.
Step 7: What is the purpose of this text? Step 8: Provide textual evidence to support your answer.

17 Steps Step 9: Listen to the audio version of the speech while reading along on the paper. Step 10: Copy two phrases used in the audio version. Step 11: Are they different than words in the written text? How?l

18 Steps Step 12: How are the written version and the audio version same?
Step 13: How are the written version and the audio version different?

19 Steps Step 14: Which version do you think is more effective in reaching the audience and why?

20 Textual Evidence The text shows the feelings and wishes of the speaker by using repetition and forceful words. The picture shows you just how far reaching the speakers message is. The impact from the picture is stronger, in my opinion, because it shows how great of a following Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had. The people who are there listening to him are of different races and ages, which really drives his ideas home. How is the text different from the picture? Which gives you a deeper understanding?

21 Flip Slip: What do you Remember?
Remember: Rewrite this week’s skill in your own words. In your own words write down and define the vocabulary words.

22 Flip Slip: What do you understand?
Understand: Write the steps in chronological order. * What is the theme of the speech? * Copy two phrases used in the audio version. * How are the written version and the audio version same? * What is the purpose of this text? * Who is the intended audience of the piece?

23 Apply Read the assigned passage. Follow steps 1-14.

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