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Section 1.5 Angle Pair Relationships

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1 Section 1.5 Angle Pair Relationships

2 Angle Pair Relationships
How are special angle pairs identified? Learn to recognize < pairs in a diagram!

3 Adjacent Angles When you “split” an angle, you create two angles.
The two angles are called _____________ A C B adjacent angles D adjacent = next to, joining. 2 1 1 and 2 are examples of adjacent angles. They share a common ray. Name the ray that 1 and 2 have in common. ____

4 Adjacent Angles Adjacent angles are angles that:
Definition of Adjacent Angles Adjacent angles are angles that: A) share a common side B) have the same vertex, and C) have no interior points in common M J N R 1 2 1 and 2 are adjacent with the same vertex R and common side

5 Adjacent Angles Determine whether 1 and 2 are adjacent angles.
No. They have a common vertex B, but _____________ 1 2 B no common side Yes. They have the same vertex G and a common side with no interior points in common. 1 2 G N 1 2 J L No. They do not have a common vertex or ____________ a common side The side of 1 is ____ The side of 2 is ____

6 Adjacent Angles and Linear Pairs of Angles
Determine whether 1 and 2 are adjacent angles. No. 1 2 Yes. 1 2 X D Z In this example, the noncommon sides of the adjacent angles form a ___________. straight line linear pair These angles are called a _________

7 Linear Pairs of Angles Note:
Definition of Linear Pairs Two angles form a linear pair if and only if (iff): A) they are adjacent and B) their noncommon sides are opposite rays C A D B 1 2 1 and 2 are a linear pair. Note:

8 Linear Pairs of Angles In the figure, and are opposite rays.
1 2 M 4 3 E H T A C 1) Name the angle that forms a linear pair with 1. ACE ACE and 1 have a common side the same vertex C, and opposite rays and 2) Do 3 and TCM form a linear pair? Justify your answer. No. Their noncommon sides are not opposite rays.

9 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Definition of Complementary Angles Two angles are complementary if and only if (iff) The sum of their degree measure is 90. 60° D E F 30° A B C mABC + mDEF = = 90

10 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
If two angles are complementary, each angle is a complement of the other. ABC is the complement of DEF and DEF is the complement of ABC. 60° D E F 30° A B C Complementary angles DO NOT need to have a common side or even the same vertex.

11 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Some examples of complementary angles are shown below. 75° I mH + mI = 90 15° H 50° H 40° Q P S mPHQ + mQHS = 90 30° 60° T U V W Z mTZU + mVZW = 90

12 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
If the sum of the measure of two angles is 180, they form a special pair of angles called supplementary angles. Definition of Supplementary Angles Two angles are supplementary if and only if (iff) the sum of their degree measure is 180. 130° D E F 50° A B C mABC + mDEF = = 180

13 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Some examples of supplementary angles are shown below. 105° H 75° I mH + mI = 180 50° H 130° Q P S mPHQ + mQHS = 180 60° 120° T U V W Z mTZU + mUZV = 180 and mTZU + mVZW = 180

14 Congruent Angles measure
Recall that congruent segments have the same ________. measure Congruent angles _______________ also have the same measure.

15 Congruent Angles Two angles are congruent iff, they have the same
Definition of Congruent Angles Two angles are congruent iff, they have the same ______________. degree measure B  V iff 50° V mB = mV 50° B

16 Congruent Angles To show that 1 is congruent to 2, we use ____. arcs
To show that there is a second set of congruent angles, X and Z, we use double arcs. This “arc” notation states that: Z X X  Z mX = mZ

17 Vertical Angles When two lines intersect, ____ angles are formed. four
There are two pair of nonadjacent angles. vertical angles These pairs are called _____________. 1 4 2 3

18 Vertical Angles Two angles are vertical iff they are two
Definition of Vertical Angles Two angles are vertical iff they are two nonadjacent angles formed by a pair of intersecting lines. Vertical angles: 1 and 3 1 4 2 2 and 4 3

19 Vertical Angles Vertical angles are congruent. 1  3 2  4
Theorem 3-1 Vertical Angle Theorem Vertical angles are congruent. n m 2 1  3 3 1 2  4 4

20 Vertical Angles Find the value of x in the figure:
130° The angles are vertical angles. So, the value of x is 130°.

21 Vertical Angles Find the value of x in the figure:
The angles are vertical angles. (x – 10) = 125. (x – 10)° x – 10 = 125. 125° x = 135.

22 Congruent Angles Suppose A  B and mA = 52.
Find the measure of an angle that is supplementary to B. A 52° B 52° 1 B + 1 = 180 1 = 180 – B 1 = 180 – 52 1 = 128°

23 Congruent Angles A B C D E G H 1 2 3 4 1) If m1 = 2x + 3 and the m3 = 3x + 2, then find the m3 x = 17; 3 = 37° 2) If mABD = 4x + 5 and the mDBC = 2x + 1, then find the mEBC x = 29; EBC = 121° 3) If m1 = 4x and the m3 = 2x + 19, then find the m4 x = 16; 4 = 39° 4) If mEBG = 7x and the mEBH = 2x + 7, then find the m1 x = 18; 1 = 43°

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