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Triaxial Compression Test ASTM D-2166 /02

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1 Triaxial Compression Test ASTM D-2166 /02
Experiment # 9 Triaxial Compression Test ASTM D-2166 /02 Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

2 Content Objective Definitions Required Apparatus Data and calculations
Determination of Shear Strength Parameters Applications Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

3 Objective To determine both the un-drained and drained shear strength parameters of soils . Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

4 Definitions The triaxial compression test is a procedure that permits different horizontal and vertical stresses to be applied to the soil specimen simultaneously and thus closely duplicate the expected field Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

5 Types of triaxial Test Unconsolidated – un-drained (UU)
Consolidated – un-drained (CU) Consolidated – drained (CD) Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

6 Types of triaxial Test Case # Applied Cell Pressure
Applied Deviator Pressure Test Type 1 Valve Open C-D 2 Valve Closed C-U 3 U-U Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

7 REQUIRED APPARATUS Triaxial compression device.
Triaxial cell (including loading piston and pedestal). Rubber membrane. Membrane stretcher. O-rings. Porous stones. Compressed air source. Vacuum and air pressure supply. Specimen trimmer (for cohesive soil) Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

Diameter of specimen, D. Height of specimen, L. Initial moisture content. Final moisture content. Proving ring reading. Vertical deformation gage reading. Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

9 SAMPLE PREPARATION Undisturbed Sample Remolded Sample
Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

10 Aspect Ratio 2 < H/D < 3 H/D < 3 To prevent buckling action
H/D > 2 To prevent fraction between load plate and surface of specimen Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

11 Deformation. dial reading
DATA AND CALCULATIONS Deformation. dial reading (div.) Deformation dh (mm) Load ring reading Strain (dh/h) Corrected area Axial force (P) (N) Axial stress qu (N/cm2) R1 R1*C1 R2 dh/h R2*C2 Ac = Ao/(1-Δh/Lo) qu = P/Ac Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

qu Peak Constant Shape For Stress Curve According to Type of Soil Deviator Stress for Different Cell Stress Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

13 Mohr’s Circle For C.D Test
s3 s3 qu s1 U = 0 s1 = s’1 s3 = s’3 Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

14 Mohr’s Circle For C.U Test
s3 s3 c s t s1 U > 0 s’1 = s1 - u s’3 = s3 - u s' st s' st s Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

15 Mohr’s Circle For U.U Test
s3 s3 qu s1 U > 0 s’1 = s1 - u s’3 = s3 - u Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

16 Applications Prediction of soil behavior
Estimation of bearing capacity Estimation of bearing capacity of pils Estimation of lateral earth pressure Soil Mechanics Lab CE 350

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