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Standard #4 - Content Knowledge The teacher candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard #4 - Content Knowledge The teacher candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education Lesson Plan Dustin Featherstone Ivy Tech Community College

2 Standard #4 - Content Knowledge The teacher candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. Name of Artifact: Physical Education Lesson Plan Date: 4/10/2016 Course: EDUC 240 Introduction for Health and Physical Education for Teachers Brief Description: This assignment is a lesson plan that is for third grade students. Students will participate in four different stations. Each of these stations promote motor skills and movement patterns Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard 4: Content Knowledge, I have chosen to include my Physical Education Lesson Plan. This assignment exhibits my ability to understand central concepts and structures of discipline to create learning experiences that are meaningful for learners to assure mastery of content.

3 Four Corners This lesson plan is for 3rd Grade students
Duration: 20 minutes Example: Demonstrate variations of jumping (e.g., vertical, horizontal) and throwing a ball (e.g., two hands, underhand, sidearm).

4 Indiana Physical Education Academic Standard
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 3.1.1 Demonstrate mature fundamental locomotor and manipulative movement skills with variations.

5 Student Objectives Students will be able to demonstrate variations of jumping (e.g., vertical, horizontal). Students will able to successfully throw a ball over hand and under hand. Students will be able to catch a ball with two hands or with one.

6 Materials 8 small foam balls Stopwatch Cones Whistle
Music (For in-between stations)

7 Preparation Four stations need to be placed in the four corners of the gym, and marked with a cone. Two of the stations will need 4 balls placed under the cone. The other two stations will be wide open for jumping (Will be located at the baseline so that the students can use the line to jump over. Timing is key, make sure to have a stopwatch handy.

8 Activities/ Assessments
Four activities total The first station will be jumping vertically. At this station the students will be standing still and completing as many jumps in a row successfully as they can. The second station is where the students will be practicing horizontal jumps back and forth over the baseline on the basketball court. At the third station students will pair up and focus on throwing the ball over hand, as well as, underhand. The students will increase their distance until they drop the ball, in which time they would start over again. At the fourth station students pair up and begin tossing the ball back and forth from four feet apart. The students will alternate practicing catching and throwing with both one and two hands successfully.

9 Assessment The first station will be evaluated on whether or not the student can successfully jump vertically five times in a row. The second station will be assessed based on the students ability to successfully perform four vertical jumps (two to each side). The third station will assess the student’s ability to throw a ball overhand and underhand with 100% accuracy from four feet away. The fourth station will assess whether or not the students can successfully catch the ball with two hands, as well as, with one hand.

10 Accommodations (Hearing Impaired) Students that have hearing issues will be paired with students that do not to ensure they successfully switch stations on time and clearly understand the directions. (Physically Disabled) Students that cannot perform the lesson will be given an alternate activity in which the same skills are incorporated into the lesson plan in a way that they can perform. If students do not have any eye-hand coordination or cannot perform the activities well they will be graded on effort and not on their skill level.

11 Safety Concerns There needs to me more then enough room for the students to perform there activities at each station. Stretching will be performed before and after the activity. Water will be available for students if they are feeling dehydrated or in need of hydration.

12 Self-Reflection I had a hard time making a physical education lesson plan. I thought it would be easy because I love to play sports and stay active. The trick is incorporating an academic standards into the lesson plan. It almost makes it impossible to focus on the health, nutrition, and fitness of the students because there are so many standards that need to be met. As a physical education teacher I would have a hard time making the content engaging and fun, while still meeting all of the requirements. I have thought about the physical education field, but I feel as though there isn’t very much job security for this educational field anymore. Physical education should not be taken out of our schools and should actually be focused on more in the school districts. Obesity is a real problem within our country and it is our duty as educators to help our students to make healthy life choices.

13 References Health and wellness idoe. (2014, December 6). Retrieved from wellness

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