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Theme and Symbol English 10

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1 Theme and Symbol English 10
Unit four Theme and Symbol English 10

2 Theme If you say that a book is about finding a way to fit in without losing your uniqueness, you are talking about theme. Whether the theme (or message) is about fitting in, love, or another timeless topic, it can often prompt you think about human nature in a new way.

3 I. Theme A. Theme is an underlying message about life that a writer wants to convey.

4 B. Universal Themes 1. Universal themes deal with emotions and experiences that are common to all people. 2. An example of a universal theme is “With great power comes great responsibility.”

5 Universal Theme “With great power comes great responsibility” has been explored in stories as varied as ancient epics and today’s comics and movies.

6 “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Ramayana India 250 B.C. Aeneid Rome 20 B.C. Spiderman USA 1962-present

7 II. Symbol A. A symbol is something concrete – a person, place, object, or activity – that represents an abstract idea.

8 Symbol 3. a small child = innocence
B. Examples of symbols and what they represent 1. flying bird = symbol of freedom 2. a bleak winter setting = isolation or death 3. a small child = innocence 4. a physical challenge, such as climbing a mountain = a character’s emotional growth Symbols can reinforce a theme.

9 Identify Theme: Clues to theme
Title The title may refer to a significant idea explored in the story. ASK: To what in the story does the title refer? What ideas or symbols does the title highlight? Does the title have more than one meaning?

10 What are the main character’s key traits and motivations?
Characters’ actions and motivation may reflect the message of the story. ASK: What are the main character’s key traits and motivations? How does the main character change? What lessons does the character learn?

11 A story revolves around conflicts that are central to the theme.
Plot and Conflict A story revolves around conflicts that are central to the theme. ASK: What is the main conflict in the story? How is the conflict resolved? Is the resolution portrayed as a positive or a negative outcome?

12 How does the setting influence the characters?
The setting’s significance to the characters and the conflict can suggest the theme. ASK: How does the setting influence the characters? How does the setting impact the plot? What larger idea or issue might the setting represent?

13 What message or attitude about life do these statements reveal?
Important Statements The narrator or the characters may make statements that hint at the theme. ASK: What key comments (about values or ideas) do the characters or the narrator make? What message or attitude about life do these statements reveal?

14 Symbols can reinforce theme.
ASK: What characters, objects, places, or events have symbolic significance in the story? What ideas do these symbols communicate?

15 Remember - Some works of literature have more than one theme, but typically only one is dominant. When you describe the theme of a work, use one or two complete sentences, not single words or phrases. For example, “love” expresses a topic, not a theme. Theme = People often find love where they least expect it.

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