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An Example of Complex Genetics

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1 An Example of Complex Genetics
Inheritance of Types An Example of Complex Genetics

2 Intro to Blood Types Blood types are described with both a letter and a + or – sign (A+, O-, etc.) that name the kinds of marker proteins found on blood cell membranes We will only examine the letters here The + or – sign refers to “Rh positive or Rh negative” (this tells whether or not the blood cells have marker proteins on them that were first described in rhesus monkeys)

3 Percent of People with each Blood Type in the US

4 Blood Type Inheritance
Blood type inheritance is a double exception to Mendel’s Law of Dominance First, there are three possible alleles for blood type in the human gene pool: A, B, and O (but any one person only gets two of them) Second, A and B are codominant alleles (both are expressed simultaneously) These result in 4 possible phenotypes: Type A blood (Dominant allele) Type B blood (Also Dominant) Type AB blood(Codominant) Type O blood (Recessive allele)

5 Possible blood type genotypes and phenotypes
Blood type alleles are shown with the letter I for “Immune Response” since mixing the wrong blood types causes one type to attack the other (this is an immune response using antibodies to attack the foreign blood cells) Type A allele = IA Type B allele = IB Type O allele = iO Heterozygous Geno Pheno Homozygous Geno Pheno IAiO IAIA Type A Type A IBiO Type B IBIB Type B IAIB Type AB iOiO Type O

6 What happens if the wrong blood types mix?
Red blood cells have marker proteins on their membranes that show if they are Type A or Type B – there is not a Type O marker protein These marker proteins are called “antigens,” since they can generate an immune response If the wrong blood type is given to someone, their antibodies attack the foreign antigens – this makes the blood clump together, or “agglutinate.” This is not good for keeping your blood flowing to your organs! Normal Blood Agglutinated Blood

7 What happens if the wrong blood types mix?
This red blood cell has Type A antigens – it will be attacked by “Anti-A” antibodies found in Type B and Type O blood B This red blood cell has Type B antigens – it will be attacked by “Anti-B” antibodies found in Type A and Type O blood This red blood cell has Type A and Type B antigens – it will be attacked by “Anti-A” antibodies found in Type B and Type O blood and by “Anti-B” antibodies found in Type A and Type O blood – but it won’t attack it’s own kind, so it can get blood from anyone! B A This red blood cell has NO antigens – it will not be attacked by any kind of blood, so it can give blood to everybody – but it can only receive blood if there are no markers on the cells. This is Type O blood.

8 Summary of Blood Type Characteristics
(Phenotype) Alleles (Genotype) Antigens (Marker Proteins) Anti- Bodies Receives From Donates To A IAio or IAIA Anti-B A or O A or AB B IBio or IBIB Anti-A B or O B or IAIB Both A and B none All!! “Universal Receiver” O ioio None Both Anti-A & Anti-B “Universal Donor”

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