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Science Review Game.

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1 Science Review Game

2 An observation or experimental result that contradicts generally accepted beliefs.

3 The action of trying to disprove information/theory.

4 A worldview underlying the theories and methodology of a particular scientific subject. Also, a typical example or pattern of something; a model, such as heliocentric model. Paradigm


6 Name one other paradigm in science

7 Name a method used by the natural sciences.
Scientific method


9 Name 3 of the steps in the scientific method:
Hypothesis Experimentation/repeat Evaluate results Share results Attempt to falsify

10 A collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method; however, these seek to confirm rather than falsify claims. Pseudo-science

11 Who coined the term pseudo-science and developed the concept of falsification?
Karl Popper

12 Name one pseudo-science and explain why it is so.

13 Evidence that is based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic. Empirical Evidence

14 An idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation. It is more than a wild guess but less than a well-established theory. Hypothesis

15 What type of reasoning does the scientific method mainly use?
Inductive reasoning

16 A theory in science is almost certain. It’s 99 %
How is the term “theory” understood in the natural sciences? (as opposed to how it is used in, say, English class) A theory in science is almost certain. It’s 99 %

17 Kuhn outlined several things that lead to scientific revolutions
Kuhn outlined several things that lead to scientific revolutions. Name one of those things. A piling up of anomalies. New theories and experiments. Acceptance of one of those new theories.

18 What type of logic does string theory use?
Deductive reasoning

19 Because it cannot be tested– it’s not falsifiable
Why do some people call string theory a theory of philosophy rather than of science? Because it cannot be tested– it’s not falsifiable

20 The philosophy that the only authentic knowledge is based on sense perception, experience and positive verification. Within this belief system, scientific method is the best approach to uncovering the processes by which both physical and human events occur. Logical positivism

21 Controlled experiment
An experiment in which an experimental group is compared to a control group that varies only in the factor being tested. Controlled experiment

22 Principle of simplicity
This principle says that given two competing theories which make exactly the same predictions the simpler theory is to be preferred. Principle of simplicity

23 Define beauty in science
Expressed in simple math Unifies– can be applied broadly to science Is ubiquitous

24 What is one problem with inductive reasoning?
Creates a generalization

25 Explain briefly some of the historical factors that influence science.

26 An ______ hypothesis is a hypothesis added to a theory in order to save it from being falsified. Often, ____ hypothesizing is employed to compensate for anomalies not anticipated by the theory in its unmodified form. Ad hoc

27 Name and explain one “problem with facts”


29 Name one problem with observations.
1. relevance- it is difficult to decide what is relevant and what is not 2. expectations- our expectations can influence what we see 3. expert seeing- scientific equipment has its shortcomings 4. the observer effect- the act of observation can affect the observation

30 Name one problem with testing a hypothesis
1. confirmation bias- looking for answers that confirm your suspicions background assumptions- unfounded assumptions based on the nature of things
















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