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Spanish North America The Spanish left an impact on the cultures of North and South America that helped to shape the present-day United States.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish North America The Spanish left an impact on the cultures of North and South America that helped to shape the present-day United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish North America The Spanish left an impact on the cultures of North and South America that helped to shape the present-day United States

2 Myths of Columbus Believed the world was round when everyone else thought it was flat “Discovered” The “New World” Looking for a new route to Asia because the Muslim Turks closed the “silk road” Exploration and Trade were his primary motivations

3 Realities of Columbus Primary motivations were conquest and exploitation Scholars had understood the world was round for centuries Many other Europeans had traveled to and even settled North America as early as 400 years earlier “Silk Road” closed by other Christian countries to limit economic competition

4 Why does the Myth Persist?
Catholic Church Italian Americans Ethno-centrism (Thinking your culture is superior) America’s obsession with Columbus

5 Three Worlds Collide Americas, Europe, Africa Columbian Exchange
Exchange of Flora and Fauna Drastic economic, social, and political changes in all three areas Columbian Exchange Most important import from America to Europe: potato Most important import from Europe to America: Disease

6 -What is the most important thing to come from the Old World to the New World?
-What is the most important thing to come from the New World to the Old World?

7 Spanish Pattern of Conquest
Plantation system: Use native labor to grow large amount of crops cheaply Used superior European weapon technology to dominate native peoples Devastating to native populations Spanish men intermarry with native women creating a mestizo population Natives die in large numbers from European diseases 95% of the Native Americans die within 1 generation of European arrival

8 Effect of Spanish Conquest
Spain enters a “golden age” So much silver is plundered from the Incan empire that the value of silver in Europe drops dramatically Spain becomes the richest most powerful country in Europe Death of Native populations influences Spanish “planters” to search for a new labor source---from West Africa

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