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At Gateway We Are: Respectful, Positive, Productive, and Proud!

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Presentation on theme: "At Gateway We Are: Respectful, Positive, Productive, and Proud!"— Presentation transcript:

1 At Gateway We Are: Respectful, Positive, Productive, and Proud!
Guidelines for Success At Gateway We Are: Respectful, Positive, Productive, and Proud!

2 Respect Dictionary Definition: My Definition of Respect:
A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. My Definition of Respect: To give one self admiration. An act of kindness. Treat one, how you wish to be treated. Talk Peacefully Compliment others

3 My commitment to Being Respectful in Life
Obey my parents rules/regulations Don’t question my parents when they want me to do something. Correctly introduce my self to new people so they don’t judge me in a negative way. Smile Firmly shake hands Make eye contact Make a conversation

4 Positive Dictionary Definition:
A good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute: "translate your weakness into positives". My Definition of Positive: Have an all around good attitude, making the bad-good.

5 Positive What does Negative look/sound like? Being a pessimist
What does positive looks/sounds like? Optimistic Proud Confident Appreciative Make a bad situation good. Look on the bright side of everything What does Negative look/sound like? Being a pessimist Looking at a glass half empty Taurus

6 My commitment to Being Positive in Life
A positive person will make any bad situation good, therefore when I encounter a bad situation, I’ll find something good out of it. When I receive something from someone I will be very appreciative, as usual. I will not boast, instead, I will humble myself

7 Productive Dictionary Definition
Relating to or engaged in the production of goods, crops, or other commodities. My Definition Doing something worth the time, and in the end you have a ending product.

8 Productive What does productive look/sound like? Working ahead
Above and beyond On task Setting goals and reaching them Community service What does Unproductive look/sound like? Slacking off Not doing your work Not completing a job Having no goals for yourself

9 My Commitment to Being More Productive in Life
Completing twenty hours of community service. Returning to my district Having a positive attitude Being Respectful Having pride Setting goals for my self

10 Proud is… Returning to District Having a good attitude
Caring about how you look before you leave your house Sobriety

11 Remember, At Gateway We Are:
Respectful Positive Productive Proud


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