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Reflection Why did the newly independent Americans want a relatively weak central government? Why would states have different wants/needs?

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection Why did the newly independent Americans want a relatively weak central government? Why would states have different wants/needs?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection Why did the newly independent Americans want a relatively weak central government? Why would states have different wants/needs?

2 Articles of Confederation Notes
Shays’ Rebellion Who? What? When? Where? Why? Details…. Who? What? When? Where? Why? Details…. Make sure to take notes on the Articles of Confederation and Shay’s Rebellion.

3 Articles of Confederation: The 1st plan for the new American Government

4 First Governments Americans set up gov’t to transition from colonies to states. Each state made a constitution – detailed written plan of gov’t All set up similarly: Legislature to make laws Governor to carry out laws Courts to decide what laws mean Most contained a list (bill) of rights to guarantee basic freedoms & protections Similar to Magna Carta & English Bill of Rights Each state was sovereign (in charge of itself) & citizens saw themselves as citizens of their state not the whole United States

5 First Governments Because some tasks of governing were too big for the states to do, a national gov’t was created. Needed central gov’t for things like nat’l defense (military) 2nd Continental Congress planned for confederation – independent states loosely united for common purpose 1777 – Articles of Confederation became 1st constitution of U.S.A. Set up legislature – each state had 1 vote Controlled army & dealt with foreign countries for states

6 First Governments Articles of Confederation had weaknesses that led to problems for new country. Only real successes of A. of C. were American victory against British in 1783 and Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Congress couldn’t pass law without 9 states approval Changes required all 13 states approval Couldn’t enforce laws – states could ignore States didn’t have to do anything Congress wanted to do No national court system to settle disputes Really important - couldn’t collect taxes

7 First Governments The new country faced financial problems & had war debts to pay. States taxed people heavily Many people without jobs Farmers especially couldn’t pay high taxes, lost farms to pay debts Riots occurred in several states Shays’ Rebellion – Massachusetts farmer Daniel Shays Owed taxes Led 1,200 farmers in attack on gov’t Blamed states for debt 1787 – Call for changes to Articles of Confederation meeting set for summer in Philadelphia

8 Watch the Mr. Hughes videos about the Articles of confederation and Shays’ rebellion

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