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The Importance of Weight Loss

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1 The Importance of Weight Loss
Pound for Pound Series 1

2 Health Risks Individuals who are obese have a % higher risk of premature death from all causes. This is due to the fact that excess body weight increases your risk of diseases such as: Cardiovascular disease Type 2 diabetes Stroke Cancer Excess fat can also lead to: Gallbladder disease Gallstones Osteoarthritis Gout Sleep apnea Asthma Two types of fat: Subcutaneous (the fat you can grab) and Visceral (the fat covering our organs). *We need visceral fat to provide our organs, such as the heart, with a quick source of energy. But when we have excess visceral fat, it is highly correlated with coronary artery disease, diabetes and other diseases.

3 http://science. howstuffworks

4 Benefits of Weight Loss
Lowers BP and reduces risk of stroke Improves cholesterol levels and improves blood flow Prevents or slows the onset of diabetes. May also allow you to reduce or eliminate diabetes medications. How much makes a difference? Losing 5-10% of your weight can lower your chances of developing heart disease. Moderate weight loss- of fat, not muscle- and a healthy and active lifestyle (not dieting), have been found to lower health risks and medical problems in 90% of overweight individuals by improving their heart function, blood pressure, glucose tolerance, sleep disorders, and cholesterol levels, as well as lowering their requirements for medication. Losing 1 pound of body weight takes 4 pounds of pressure off of your knees!

5 Fast Facts 1 to 2 pounds per week = 1 pound = 3,500 calories
Recommendation for healthy weight loss = 1 to 2 pounds per week 1 pound = 3,500 calories So, you need to reduce your caloric intake by 500—1000 calories per day to lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week Exercise Recommendations: 30 minutes, 5 or more days of the week (moderate intensity) OR 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity AND Muscle-strength training on 2 or more days

6 Why 1-2 pounds? This rate of weight loss is safe and realistic.
This rate of weight loss will help preserve muscle mass which is important for your metabolism. Losing weight faster means you might be losing water instead of fat. Losing weight at a faster rate means you might be doing something drastic that you can’t maintain. evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more successful at keeping weight off

7 Typically 95% of diets fail
Don’t Diet! “Failure” means that a dieter successfully lost weight, but didn’t manage to keep it off for as long as a year. Some reports suggest that only 1% of dieters manage to lose weight permanently.

8 Learn to read nutrition labels & count calories
Drink lots of water Exercise Get your sleep

9 Read Your Nutrition Label
Never eat less than 1,200 calories in a day Rule of 5: Less than 5g of saturated fat More than 5g of protein More than 5g of fiber The first 3 ingredients listed are the primary ingredients.

10 Around 75% of U.S. population suffers from some form of dehydration
Drink Lots of Water Dehydration can give you food cravings Water intake affects energy levels Metabolism is affected by water Water helps metabolize stored fat Detoxifies your body Around 75% of U.S. population suffers from some form of dehydration Adequate water intake decreases food cravings as the body doesn’t have to extract water from food sources. In a University of Washington experiment, one glass of water eliminated midnight hunger pangs for nearly all of the dieters involved in the study. Detoxifies your body. If you’re dehydrated, your digestive system won’t work properly and so some of your excess weight could be a weak digestive system so you’re literally carrying too many toxins in your body.

11 Exercise BUT…and SO… What are you barriers to exercise?
Time Don’t know what to do Physical discomfort or pain Don’t enjoy Money What is your SOlution? Break up workout throughout the day Come to the Fitness Frenzy on February 18th Talk to your doctor about what exercises are safe for you Try it all. Go with a friend. Stick with it. Walk or exercise at home BUT…and SO…

12 Sleep recommendation =
Don’t forget to SLEEP Lack of sleep Amount of sleep affects 2 hormones: Ghrehlin = enhances appetite Leptin = represses appetite Leptin Ghrelin Tips for a better night’s sleep: Set a schedule Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed Make bedtime snacks a dairy product with simple carb Ex. Cracker with cheese 4. Turn off the tube 2. Avoid any excessive fluid intake before bed; this causes unnecessary sleep interruption by trips to the bathroom. You should especially avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Caffeine, even in small amounts, can affect your ability to fall asleep and to stay asleep. Alcohol has an initial sedative effect that allows you to fall asleep quickly, but later in the night, it can cause a rapid heartbeat, sweating and nightmares, ultimately causing sleep disturbance. 3. Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep. Carbohydrates promote the use of tryptophan in the brain. 4. Technology is a stimulant – read a book or write in a journal. Helps the mind relax Sleep recommendation = 7-9 hours

13 Can you do this for the rest of your life?

14 Questions What’s coming… Wed, Feb. 19th Nutrition Tools & Tips
Tues, March 4th Maintaining Your Momentum Tues, March 18th Exercise in a Busy Schedule Tues, April 1st Mindful Eating: Weight Loss for the Long-Term

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