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Classroom Management PRIDE

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1 Classroom Management PRIDE
Presented by: Melissa Jones

2 PREPARED Arrive to class on time! (What happens if late?)
Bring supplies and materials needed for to complete classwork. (What happens if no materials brought?) Complete homework and classwork on time. (What happens if not done?)

3 RESPECT Follow staff directions (What do we do if not done?)
Speak and listen appropriately (Who do I turn to for help?) Keep hands to ourselves Use appropriate language Stay on task and focus on the lesson (How do we assist each of our team members with this?)

4 Initiative/Involved Begin work immediately Actively participate in
activities. (What will you do if this doesn’t happen?) Ask for help when needed (Don’t be critical of students asking for help) Accept redirections, critiques, and consequences.

5 De-Escalate Listen to and consider different perspectives.
Seek solutions to problems Talk about personal disagreements in private Seek help from others when we can’t find a solution (Who can we talk to?)

6 Encourage Recognize outstanding work (Individual and class rewards)
Keep displays of work and bulletin boards free of graffiti Show appreciation for members of our community (How to do this)

7 Classroom Management Activity
Work in groups of three Take out the scenarios in the envelopes Read each scenario Determine what your role would be in this situation and how you would handle it Report out to group 10 minutes!!!!!!!

8 12 General Principles of Effective Classroom Management
1.Demonstrate caring 2.Take charge – be in control of yourself 3.Communicate regularly and clearly with students 4.Establish enforceable rules and enforce them 5.Hold high expectations for students 6.Persistently deal with unproductive behavior 7.Invoke consequences in a calm manner 8.Comment only on a student’s behavior, not personal traits 9.Model desirable behavior 10.Teach students to make appropriate choices 11.Organize teaching activities to avoid boredom and wasted time 12.Provide ample opportunities or students to experience success and receive recognition

9 Q & A

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