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What is Climate?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Climate?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Climate?



4 Vocab Climate- characteristic atmospheric conditions of a place over a long period of time Weather- short-term condition at a particular time and place FAO- Food and Agriculture Organization Deciduous – trees lose their leaves Coniferous- trees keep their leaves

5 Factors that affect climate
Winds Latitude Elevation Ocean Currents Nearness to a large body of water or mountains

6 Factors Affected by Climate
Food Energy we use Homes How we travel Leisure Time Also effects other living things such as trees and plants

7 Climate Groupings FAO uses temperature and precipitation to classify forests. Tropical- more than 18C / 64F all months Subtropical- more than 10C/ 50F at least 8 months Temperate- more than 10C/ 50F 4-8 months Boreal- more than 10C/ 50F 1-4 months Polar- less than 10C/ 50F all months of the year

8 Ecological Zones Tropical Rainforest Subtropical Dry Forest
Temperate Continental Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Boreal Coniferous Forest

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