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Notebook Set Up Mr. Stanley Room 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook Set Up Mr. Stanley Room 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook Set Up Mr. Stanley Room 12

2 Syllabus Attach the syllabus to the front page. Use glue, tape, or staples at the top so that you can see both sides

3 Title Page “Creating America: A History of the United States” Student name (first and last) Mr. Stanley, Room 12 Class period Add some decoration!

4 “Table of Contents” at the top of the page
Page Number at the top right of the page You will fill in the rest of this page as you do assignments

5 “Unit 1: Three Worlds Meet” at the top of the page
Unit Title Page “Unit 1: Three Worlds Meet” at the top of the page Add some decoration! You will make a new unit title page at the start of each new unit

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