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Diversity of Life Reading Reflection #5

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1 Diversity of Life Reading Reflection #5
By: E.O. Wilson Chapter 6: The Forces of Evolution

2 Lots of Biology in the Chapter
Big Theme NATURAL SELECTION Driving force of microevolution Key statement… “Evolution is absolutely a phenomenon of populations. Individuals and their immediate descendants do not evolve.” (75) Neo-Darwinism – What’s that? What is it that Darwin did not know? Voyage of the Beagle Origin of Species published 1859 Mendel's work with pea plant heredity paper published in 1866 Mendel’s work ignored until early 1900s DNA the molecule of inheritance 1927 (Avery), 1952 (Hershey-Chase), 1953 (Watson and Crick)

3 Lots of Biology in the Chapter
Page 76 covers DNA structure Genes Gene expression Central Dogma of Biology: Genes  Protein  Trait “proteins are the building blocks of organisms” Polygenetic traits “…the whole self-organized ensemble projects to the world those properties of anatomy, physiology, and behavior by which the organism lives or dies, reproduces or not.”

4 Two Levels of Diversity (88)
Genetic variation with in a species Differences among species

5 Reading Reflection Quickly re-read Wilsons description of Sickle Cell Disease and Malignant Malaria. (end of pg 76-79) The explain the following data in 3-4 sentences. Try to apply this concept of natural selection in humans to the following figure showing global distribution of lactose intolerance.

6 Try to apply this concept of natural selection in humans to the following figure showing global distribution of lactose intolerance.

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