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Creation of Israel.

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1 Creation of Israel

2 Zionism Political movement to return Jews to their homeland in Palestine that is run for the Jews by the Jews

3 Belfour Declaration (1917)
British Liberals believed Jews had suffered historical injustices Two main reasons the push for a Jewish state caught on and became popular Anti-Semitics wanted to rid Europe of the Jews Fulfill Christian biblical prophesy +the+Peace+Process/The+Balfour+Declaration.htm

4 UN Partition of Israel and Palestine in 1947
Following WWII and the Holocaust, UN decided to step in and help Jews have a homeland in Palestine Jews are ecstatic— Arabs are outraged Israel declares its independence in 1948



7 Israel in the heart of the Arab World

8 U.S. backs Israel U.S. decides to back Israel financially and in support and aid We are their ally We recognize they are an international state

9 Israel’s Influence over American Politics

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