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Aim: how does the demonstration of gratitude correlate with happiness?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: how does the demonstration of gratitude correlate with happiness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: how does the demonstration of gratitude correlate with happiness?
Do Now: Take out your Thanksgiving gratitude assignment handout

2 Aim: how does the demonstration of gratitude correlate with happiness?
Announcement Thanksgiving gratitude assignment due to my mailbox by the end of the day Wednesday, if not completed in class

3 Aim: how does the demonstration of gratitude correlate with happiness?
Video As you watch the video, write down any reactions you have to what you are hearing/seeing Video Title: The Science of Happiness

4 Thanksgiving gratitude assignment
Aim: how does the demonstration of gratitude correlate with happiness? Thanksgiving gratitude assignment 1. Select one important teacher/administrator/faculty member/coach/advisor at Millennium Brooklyn High School who has made a major positive difference in your life, preferably someone to whom you have never fully expressed your thanks. Think about people who may have gone out of their way to help you, offer encouragement or given you an opportunity. 2. Write a one page-long testimonial. Take your time composing this. Detail exactly what that special person did and why it had such an impact on you.  Thank them for their impact on your life. Try to be as specific as possible. 3. Place your letter into the envelope, seal it and write their name on the front of the envelope (write your name in the corner as well). You can decorate the envelope if you’d like. Make sure that your letter is written neatly on loose leaf paper. I will be delivering these letters to the person on the envelope.

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